Papua is Domestic Problems, Other Countries Don’t Intervene

Foreign interference is considered to be a factor in the existence of separatist movements in Papua. So in solving problems regarding Papua, it only requires the seriousness of the government and all elements of Papuan society, not foreign interference.

Previously, Papua Governor Lukas Enembe saw that the problems of Papua could no longer be solved by domestic means. He demanded an international agreement involving third parties to solve the Papua problem.

It seems that the proposal of Governor Lukas Enembe was unfortunate by Papuan students who argued that foreign parties need not be involved in solving the problems of Papua, because Papua is part of Indonesia as a sovereign country.

One Papuan student named Edward Krey said, that the main principle in international relations is forbidden to interfere in or intervene in the internal affairs of a country.

According to him, the Papuan people must realize that their main task is to develop Papua and West Papua to be more advanced. Edward also consciously believed that the two easternmost provinces of Indonesia were by no means “stepchildren” to the Republic of Indonesia.

The first President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir Soekarno never moved from the call “Sabang to Merauke” as a manifestation of the integrity of Indonesia’s sovereignty. Then the problem of Papua is the fixed price.

In his speech entitled “Do not Doubt – Doubt Again”. Soekarno firmly said, Indonesia is the whole archipelago between Sabang and Merauke. This is the legal basis for Indonesia’s demands on Papua.

He believes that all 34 provinces in the country are golden sons of the government, so that the words “from Sabang Sabang to Merauke” disappear because of a handful of people who have interests for themselves and their groups.

Welfare issues in Papua are of particular concern to the government. Various Eastern Indonesia Especially Papua. Starting from the social approach, politics and culture, to the economic approach.

In terms of the economy, of course we must remember that in the era of Jokowi – Jusuf Kalla’s administration, the price of fuel became one price from Sabang to Merauke, at least it has reduced the problems there.

Nevertheless, of course the government needs to make further efforts to approach the people of Papua. So that infrastructure development such as paved roads is also accompanied by human resource development in Papua.

Edward said that in the 5 years of Jokowi’s administration, Papua had experienced many changes through various projects and programs to improve and improve the living standards of the Papuan people.

Even the Papua Toll Road is also being built, with the aim of facilitating transportation, reducing the high-cost economy so as to facilitate interconnection between regions.

In an effort to resolve problems in Papua and West Papua, President Joko Widodo said that the government would prioritize dialogue in solving problems that exist in the Cenderawasih land. The dialogical approach will be carried out in the corridor of special autonomy (Otsus).

The former Surakarta Mayor stressed that the government is not merely building infrastructure in Papua. Infrastructure development aims to open access for the handling of various problems, one of which is malnutrition.

He continued, the infrastructure development carried out by Jokowi was for the pride of the people of Papua, including a good border. However, more than that, the development undertaken by the government is for the progress of Papua.

Jokowi said the government’s commitment to economic empowerment of the people of Papua. He also emphasized the commitment of his government to carry out the special autonomy of Papua.

In dealing with these problems the government certainly is not haphazard, so the approach taken contextually according to the situation at hand with the aim that the problems that exist in Papua can be resolved immediately.

With a persuasive solution, of course there is a legal approach, a cultural approach and communication with all parties.

On the other hand, so far the government has also routinely reviewed and conducted dialogues with the people of Papua. Therefore it is appropriate for officials in the regions to do the same with the central government in order to create a good atmosphere.

By holding a dialogue, then there is a brainstorming process to understand one another, the problems that exist in Papua are sometimes also based on ignorance, so that with a dialogue that is in a warm atmosphere, of course the resolution of problems in Papua does not need to intervene from other countries.

)* The writer is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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