Papua Is Part of the Republic of Indonesia

By: Rebecca Marian )*

Demonstrations against racist acts against Papuan students are indicated to be used by separatists to demand secession from Indonesia. However, seen from various aspects, the separation of Papua from the Republic of Indonesia cannot be carried out.

The influence of disintegration continues to be the main concern of the TNI and Polri. It always monitors the development of border areas including Papua at this time. The government also emphasized that Papua is an inseparable part of our beloved country, Indonesia. This should be understood by all parties, including foreign countries.

The long history of the return of Papua to this beloved country is also arguably not smooth, continues, many obstacles and failures that accompanied the government’s efforts to retake its territory. Moreover, the situation heats up again the other day due to racism issues.

So that it is expected for all parties to avoid propaganda and provocation such as events that ended in riots such as the other day. The TNI and Polri are also always committed to maintaining every inch of the Papua region that is legitimately an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia. Based on this, the TNI and Polri will act decisively against any thing that threatens the sovereignty and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

Previously, during SBY’s administration many issues were discovered by the interference of other countries such as Australia. This seemed to make the President speak up. SBY stressed if Indonesia took full responsibility for managing Papua.

He stated if the policy regarding the management of Papua had changed and it was clear. Indonesia promotes justice, democracy and the welfare of the people. Which is considered the best approach for the Papua region. One concrete example is the highest development of per capita in Indonesia specifically for Papua.

SBY also admitted that up to now Papua still had structural problems and local problems that needed to be fixed. Therefore the SBY government strongly asks Australia to respect Indonesia’s sovereignty.

Other strong evidence if the government gives serious attention and recognizes Papua as an integral part of the archipelago is: The official statement of the Act of Free Choice (Determination of the People’s Opinion) May 1, 1969, namely the World and the United Nations officially recognize that Papua is part of the Republic of Indonesia. This was also said by one of the actors in the history of Pepera is Ramses Ohee. He also stressed that if Papua had legally returned to the lap of Mother Earth through the Act of Free Choice.

Previously, the former member of the Jayapura Regency DPRD in the 1990s explained that if at that time the Dutch did not want to let go of Papua (formerly West Irian). So that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Subandrio in the UN session stated that the entire Dutch colony must be submitted to the Republic of Indonesia. This is the beginning of the story until Papua has been decided to become part of the Republic of Indonesia again.

Support for Papua was also given to the Jokowi era government. A lot of funds have been disbursed to realize equitable welfare and development in Bumi Cendrawasih. Not only that, it was revealed that the funds allocated for Papua were greater than other provinces. This is proof if the Republic of Indonesia gives full attention to the region.

If the riot incident occurred the other day which resulted in the demands of Papuan independence this is only the act of irresponsible people. These elements are only freeing up the issue of racism for personal or group interests. Therefore, the government continues to warn that all Indonesian citizens, especially Papuans, are not provoked by any news.

Moreover, it is suspected that there are groups who want to question the legitimacy of Papua as part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Which often acts and leads to anarchist actions and is detrimental to many parties. Surely this should be a serious concern for all elements of Indonesian society, right?

The issue of racism often has a large impact, its implications for national unity and sovereignty. Racism which ends in separatist actions will only cause harm to all parties. However, we can be calm because the condition of Papua is safe and conducive. The people of Cendrawasih Earth also have normal activities as usual.

The good news, many of the demonstrators expressed regret. Related to the riot they did. They say if they are committed they will no longer be agitated by the issue of racism in any form.

From this we can see that synchronization between Papua and Indonesia is inseparably based on a strong foundation. So it is natural if Indonesia takes firm action on all forms of racism that threaten unity. Finally, this peace is actually easy to realize, because it lies in the conscience of everyone. High tolerance, respect and appreciation for fellow Indonesians is able to create a strong national stability that cannot be solved. Papua NKRI Section, the price is dead!

)* The writer is a Papuan student, living in Jakarta

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