By: George Marore

History has reminded us many times how difficult it was for our predecessors to fight for Indonesian independence and sovereignty. What a magical vow about the unity of Indonesia. However, there are still parties who forget about it and always try to damage the existing peace and disturb the territorial sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. One of them is through the issue of Papuan independence.

Papua is an area in Eastern Indonesia, with a high cultural diversity, rich in natural resources and stores a million natural beauty in it. Papua is a very valuable black pearl and we should keep it from being separated from Indonesia. The issue of racism in Papua, it should be remembered that the case of racism is actually not something that is rarely found in communities with cultural diversity.

It is undeniable that people tend to be more mingled and socialized with groups that have similarities with themselves. Like the Javanese with Javanese and Sundanese with Sundanese. Racist issues are also between the two tribes are often raised, such as the Javanese community with a distinctive accent, and Sundanese too. Therefore, it is hoped that racist issues related to Papua can also be addressed wisely.

Do not let our trauma about East Timor be repeated. Do not let Indonesia lose parts of its body back. Let us help the government and related authorities together to maintain national stability wisely in responding to the news circulating. Indonesia is a smart nation, don’t let issues like this damage Indonesia’s integrity. Remember, Indonesia has become a special nation whose diversity it has.

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