Papuan Community Supports Implementation of PON XX

Papuan Community Supports Implementation of PON XX

By: Rebbeca Marian )*

XX National Sports Week (PON) in Papua is claimed to be able to be a promotional event for the Papua region and drive the wheels of the people’s economy. The Papuan people also support the implementation of PON XX because they are also able to introduce Papuan talents to the world.

In its history, the PON event was a jumping off event for the nation’s children from various regions in showing achievements for the country to be able to speak on the international scene and to be able to bring red and white at the highest podium.

The implementation of PON XX in Papua will be held in 4 regions, namely the city of Jayapura, Jayapura Regency, Merauke Regency and Mimika Regency.

Preparations for the national event will also be accelerated through Presidential Instruction Number 10 of 2017 concerning the support of the holding of the XX National Sports Week and the 2020 National Paralympic Week in Papua Province, which was issued by President Joko Widodo to support the smooth implementation of XX PON in Cenderawasih.

PON XX in Papua itself is an opportunity for Papua to show achievements in the field of Sports as well as in carrying out the mandate of the State as the host of the organizer.

Secretary of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Papua Province Kenius Kogoya hopes that all Papuans are always optimistic and support the implementation of XX PON.

Kenius said, PON is not only owned by the government or KONI, but also belongs to all citizens in Papua.

He also invited the people of Papua not to be pessimistic and must be optimistic that the implementation of PON must be successful in Papua, and not be able to respond to things that make it less good in Papua, even though we know something is happening in Papua, but must be supported and show concern with the implementation of PON XX.

Kenius considered that the PON was very important for the Papuam Province because it would be an added value for equitable development in Papua, as well as an improvement in the people’s economy, because the success of the PON was not only limited to the successful implementation and success of achievement.

In addition, PON can also have an impact on improving the economy of the community in the villages, moreover the community can peddle local Papuan special accessories, as well as local Papuan special foods that can be sold at tourist attractions.

On a different occasion, Papua’s Regional Secretary (Sekda), Hery Dosinaen, invited all Papuans to succeed the XX National Sports Week (PON) and XVI 2020 Indonesian Paralympic Week (Peparnas) 2020, which will take place in Papua.

Hery explained that President Jokowi had shown his concern for the progress of the implementation of PON and Peparnas in Papua. For this reason, he requested that all parties unite to provide mutual support for the biggest sports party in the country.

Meanwhile, in order to succeed the XX National Sports Week which will roll on next October, the Papua Regional Police Traffic Directorate and its staff begin routinely holding sweeping or raids.

Papua Police Regional Police Chief Commander, Police Supriyadi said, that his party had prepared approximately 358 traffic personnel to secure transportation facilities such as escorting, securing the traffic lane and parking during the implementation of the PON later.

The vehicle raid is intended so that the Papuan people are always aware and obeying traffic signs when driving on the highway.

Support for the implementation of PON is also not spared from the Jayapura City Tourism Office, where it will standardize hotel and restaurant services in Jayapura. The standardization of hotels and restaurants is done through tourism business certification bodies.

Mathias Mano as the head of the Jayapura City Tourism Office said that his party had a meeting with the hotel and restaurant association to carry out standardization of hotels and restaurants.

According to Mano, the standardization will cover aspects of service, security, number of rooms, equipment owned by the hotel, to the hotel management system. In addition it also opened the door for anyone who wants to build a hotel.

The standardization was also welcomed by the hospitality, one of them from the Executive Assistant Manager of the Grand Abe Hotel Jayapura, Carya who said that he welcomed the standardization that was carried out. Moreover, as the host of PON, so as not to have problems so that visitors feel safe and comfortable while in Papua.

The implementation of PON XX certainly needs to get support from many parties, even though we know there are problems in Papua, but this should not dampen enthusiasm and optimism in the success of PON XX Papua.

)* The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

#papuancommunityimplementationPON XXSupport
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