Papua’s Problem Does Not Need Foreign Intervention

By: Rebecca Marian )*

The root of the problem of Papua is different from other regions, in fact at that time Papua was still controlled by the Dutch at that time so that from 1945 to 1969. If you look at its history of course the way of looking is different from other regions. This problem is certainly an internal problem in Indonesia, so it does not require interference from other countries in overcoming the problems that exist in Papua.

There are at least 8 perspectives in looking at problems in Papua, namely political perspective, government perspective, defense and security perspective, environmental perspective, legal and human rights perspective, health perspective, socio-cultural perspective and economic perspective.

The Indonesian government under the leadership of Jokowi has also carried out various activities and programs in almost all aspects, however, when the issue of racism began in mid-August, parties who wanted a referendum or Free Papua appeared as if all government programs were forgotten.

In Updating the LIPI Papua Road Map 2012, the problems in Papua are divided into 3, namely the internationalization of the Papua issue, the resolution of the human rights problem and the development and implementation of special autonomy.

The international world had seen that Indonesia had done evil to Papua, this was caused by separatist groups who voiced independence for Papua through various lines of time in social media.

The growing issue of racism and demonstrations in various regions to the raising of the Morning Star flag caused many to ask how the country’s sovereignty in the land of Papua.

If we delve into the narrative of national defense in the context of maintaining national sovereignty, actually TNI Commander in Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto has made various efforts long before the emergence of mass actions in a number of these areas.

After being inaugurated on December 8, 2017, things that have been done to strengthen the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia in Papua are forming the Air Force III Koops, forming the Navy Armed Forces III, adding 1 Brigadier Raider (Kostrad Division Division in Sorong, West Papua), placing an air squadron in eastern Indonesia to back up eastern Indonesia, conduct diplomacy related to delaying military rotation in Darwin and humanitarian approaches such as establishing a malnutrition task force to minimize malnutrition in Asmat.

The TNI Commander was also directly involved and had a dialogue with various traditional figures, religious leaders, youth leaders, women leaders, local government and academics in charge of Papua. With his human side, he seems to play a Quasi Hard Power Approach, namely by approaching conflict management with hard instruments or those who can do hard power, but using soft power methods or approaches.

The effort is also supported by the solidity of the TNI and Polri which continue to be built into a positive thing in handling problems in Papua. Cooperation between ministries and institutions also needs to be carried out in partnership with the private sector and the community, this is expected to foster a spirit of collaborative governance.

This problem is clearly not understood by other countries especially with the various confusion that exists. Yet in solving this problem a strategy is needed which of course Indonesia has the stock to solve it.

The series of riots in Papua this year will certainly provide provisions for stakeholders who take care of Papua to be able to formulate various strategies and evaluations so as to continue to advance the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia on the earth of paradise.

The government must also be able to play the narration so that it does not become a weapon to eat, as in the case in Nduga Papua, where the perpetrators of crime and violence are part of the separatist group, but not exposed to the international world and the narrative then becomes turned around with the topic of “military occupation” in Nduga. So that it certainly harms Indonesia.

Meanwhile President Jokowi has put forward a holistic approach for the welfare of the people in Papua. Exceptional infrastructure development and the addition of special autonomy funds are also a concern for the president.

This certainly shows that the government has the strength and ability to be able to solve the problems that exist in Papua. Foreign involvement will certainly be a boomerang for solving problems in Papua, because they do not necessarily understand the problems of Papua as a whole.

)* The writer is a Papuan student, living in Jakarta

ForeignInterventionPapua’s Problem
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