By : Rashka Pratama

What can still be contemplated on this Christmas celebration amidst hateful social politics, violence, and intolerance? The country’s situation is now likely to heat up ahead of 2018 elections and 2019 upcoming elections. In that context, the hope of realizing peace and joyful life does not seem to be easy.

But it is still possible because in fact the elections part of the democratic process must be lived happily and happily in a peaceful atmosphere. On the other hand, there is an awareness that the nation lives among certain people who hate peace.

God gives the opportunity to develop the belief of each human being based on the state of thought and the quality of his understanding. Confidence based on the awareness of thought and understanding on the level of applicability should be able to realize the values ​​of God through love, fraternal spirit among others.

Are not all religions revealed by God for the benefit of human beings, in order to develop the spirit of caring for others, mutual love, care and care. An attitude that if implemented at the level of social relations will inject peace between people, between adherents of religion.

If God is firmly giving guidance to human beings that although different human beliefs must always remain in peace, it is appropriate that a person feels to live the teachings of God with his belief trying to develop a spirit of doctrine that respects different beliefs in the interaction of everyday social interaction.

All religions through their scriptures teach about human values ​​in order for human beings to be able to forge peaceful social relationships with love. This is what is really needed by mankind in order to awaken a loving love that includes each other to the adherents of different religions.

Basically, the teachings of every religion teach the same kind of love to others and other religions, which is not allowed is the perspective of each individual who thinks that his religion is the most correct while others are wrong.

Therefore, it is hoped that the 2017 natal that will soon take place will be orderly, safe and peaceful.

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