By: Rashka Pratama

Reunion 212 is an event held by the 212 Alumni Presidium at Monas Square on December 2, 2017 to celebrate one year of the 212 Acts which demanded taking legal action against the Governor of DKI Jakarta inactive at that time, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). Although the reunion committee claimed that the number of participants exceeded 7.5 million people, the Jakarta Metropolitan Police estimated that the 212 Reunion was attended by around 30,000 people. During the reunion, the Monas field was “bleached” by the reunion participants, and they dispersed peacefully after the event was over. This event could be held at the Monas Field after DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan lifted the ban on the provision of religious events at Monas previously issued by Ahok.

Based on statements from a number of parties, the 212th reunion event was a political movement aimed at increasing bargaining power with the government. In fact, the Trustees of the Presidium 212 itself did not dispute this and stated that Reunion 212 was “real politics”.

Ahead of the 212 event on December 2, 2019, of course, the Jakarta whiten plan has been carefully prepared. A large mass is needed so that the streets of Jakarta can be whitened by the mass reunion 212. If this activity is only a peaceful act without political content, of course this will not be a problem. But it is feared that political content will be included in this activity, and it is even feared that the action will end in chaos.

All parties appreciated the 212th reunion, and no party banned the event. What is prohibited is the existence of political content in the reunion 212, even directed to anarchist actions that can damage the facilities and endanger the surrounding community. Indonesia is a democracy that respects all opinions of its people. However, this freedom of speech is not expected to be misused so that it only benefits certain groups but brings harm to other communities.

JakartaPEACEFULLPresidium 212Reunion 212
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