People Appreciate Development Programs in Papua and West Papua

People Appreciate Development Programs in Papua and West Papua

By: Sabby Kosay )*

Development in Papua and West Papua has been one of President Jokowi’s concerns, even since his first term. The community also appreciates these various development programs that can improve the people’s standard of living.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has released Presidential Instruction (Inpres) number 9 of 2020 concerning the acceleration of welfare development in West Papua and Papua Provinces. This regulation is based on the follow-up to the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 18 of 2020 concerning the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

This instruction is addressed to all Ministers so that this development can be accelerated. In this Presidential Instruction, it is said that this regulation is needed as a breakthrough, integrated, precise, focus and synergy between ministries / institutions (K / L) and local governments to create a prosperous, advanced, dignified and peaceful community of Papua and West Papua Provinces. .

Head of the Center for Performance Analysis of the National Development Planning Agency, Velix Wainggai, said that there are several very important major infrastructure projects being developed in Papua. One of them is in the tourist area of ​​Raja Ampat. In this place, the government will expand Waisai Airport, which will become one of the priorities in the next 4-5 years.

Furthermore, encouraging two special economic zones and an industrial area in Bintuni Bay, the Sorong Special Economic Zone, and there are some infrastructure supports that are being carried out by the government. Of course, all of this will encourage the welfare of the surrounding community.

Izak R Hiyokabi, Managing Director of Perusda Baniayu, Jayapura Regency, hopes that the infrastructure being developed by the central government can bring change in Papua. With the predicted population population to increase, this infrastructure is believed to be able to answer the challenges that will come in the future.

Road construction continues to increase the length of roads in Papua. Currently, roads in Papua include national roads 2,636.73 kilometers, provincial roads 2,361.76 kilometers, district / city roads 2,636.73 kilometers. The construction of this road is intended to accelerate economic activity in Papua.

That is why he admits that the optimism of development in Papua will run better in the future. Moreover, there are 27 ministries that have a big task in implementing Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2020. As well as supporting the acceleration of the development of the Laa Pago customary area (10 districts), the Domberay customary area (11 districts), the Jayapura national strategic area (PKSN) major project and the Merauke PKSN major project in the 2020-2024 RPJMN.

Previously, Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said that the Human Development Index (HDI) in Papua and West Papua has increased from year to year.

Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) shows that Papua’s HDI has increased from 57 in 2014 to 60 in 2018. Meanwhile, in West Papua Province, it has also increased from 61 in 2014 to 64 in 2018.

The acceleration of welfare development in the Land of Papua has an impact on increasing the human development index and reducing the poverty rate.

Meanwhile, the poverty rate of the Papuan people has also decreased from 30.05 percent in 2014 to 27.43 percent in 2018.

One of the appreciations for development in Papua was also shown by Bank Indonesia which stated that the installation of a picture of the Youtefa Bridge on a new special note of IDR 75,000 was a form of appreciation for the success of infrastructure development in Papua.

Head of the Papua Province Representative Office for Bank Indonesia (KpwBI) Naek Tigor Sinaga said the Youtefa bridge is currently one of the buildings with its own charm in Papua.

Naek said that the philosophy of the image is a connectivity that is realized by the existence of a bridge that is useful for facilitating community mobility, especially those in the city of Jayapura and its surroundings.

It should also be noted that before this bridge was built, the trip from the government area to Muara Tami District had to cover a distance of 35 km with a travel time of about 1 hour.

However, if you cross the Youtefa Bridge, the distance will be around 12 km and a travel time of about 15 minutes.

This 732 meter long and 21 meter wide bridge is a steel arch type bridge that can shorten the distance and travel time from Jayapura City to Muara Tami District and to the Skouw State Border Post (PLBN) in the border area of ​​Indonesia – Papua New Guinea.

This development certainly deserves appreciation, because it is proven by the development of Papua that the government continues to strive for. People in Papua and West Papua can participate and feel the benefits.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

AppreciateDevelopmentPapuaPeopleProgramsWest Papua
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