People Appreciate the Acceleration of Development in Papua

People Appreciate the Acceleration of Development in Papua

By: Rebecca Marian )*

Papua is being pushed to make it even more advanced, so that there is no gap between it and other regions. The government issued presidential instruction number 9 so that the acceleration of development in Bumi Cendrawasih would have a legal umbrella. So that this program can run successfully in the future.

Indonesia consists of many islands, one of which is Papua. Even though it is located far from the capital, the government is trying to be fair by developing the area there. So that there will be no more poverty, hunger, and ignorance on Earth of Paradise. Papua is part of the Republic of Indonesia, therefore it must also receive attention from the central government.

Presidential Instruction number 9 of 2020 was issued, so that Papua could progress further. This regulation contains orders to accelerate development in Papua. Acceleration is needed, because in the New Order era, the Earth of Paradise was somewhat neglected. So that President Jokowi took the initiative for the people there to be given a stimulus, in order to advance the region and become a prosperous region.

Yani Ansanay, an academic at the University of Cendrawasih stated that the Papuan people highly appreciate the Presidential Decree No. 9 of 2020. In that sense, this presidential instruction shows the full attention of the central government. After the special autonomy program, now there is another program to accelerate development in Papua, so the results are even more solid.

However, Yani suggested that this program should also lead to education. He wants a fisheries and agriculture study program, because it is very relevant to the conditions in Papua. Where there are still many potential forests, fields and seas. In that sense, the sons of Papua can process it to make it more productive.

Acceleration in Papua is needed so that there is no imbalance between western and eastern Indonesia. Moreover, Papua and West Papua still have great potential. Its natural beauty can be used as a tourist attraction and agricultural products can still be processed, so that the community will be more prosperous.

This Presidential Instruction number 9 has strengthened the acceleration of development program in Papua. President Jokowi has formed a special team, with Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin as the second board of directors. Meanwhile, the members are 6 ministers and the presidential chief of staff. There is also an implementation team consisting of officials at the ministry and the Governors of Papua and West Papua.

For the legal umbrella of this program, the Presidential Decree 20/2020 was inaugurated. It contains the team to implement policies to accelerate welfare development in Papua and West Papua, which are advanced, peaceful, prosperous and with dignity.

If there are presidential instructions and presidential decrees, the acceleration of development in Papua will be further enhanced. The development that is emphasized is not only from infrastructure such as the Trans Papua Road. But also other programs. The goal is for the Papuan people to feel the positive impact.

The Papuan people support this program because they hope that their lives will be better. If there is development in the field of human resources, Papuan sons do not only get special autonomy scholarships. However, they also have the opportunity to study in the non-formal way. For example, they were given free training on automotive, sewing, graphic design, and others.

In addition, if there is human resource development in Papua through education, then they will get even better jobs. If you have a bachelor’s degree in education, you can apply for work at school, and have the potential to be appointed as an ASN. So that they get a decent salary, as well as educate the sons of Papua, and regeneration occurs.

The program to accelerate development in Papua is very good, because it can advance the Earth of Cendrawasih. The community supports it, because their life will be more modern and advanced. The world of education will be better, because there are scholarships for the sons of Papua who excel.

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