People Remain Enthusiastic to Use Masks

People Remain Enthusiastic to Use Masks

By: Perwitarani )*

The use of masks at the start of the pandemic was very tight. But when we have worn it for months, some take it off for various reasons. Even though the community’s indiscipline in adhering to health protocols is one of the causes of the soaring number of corona patients.

In Indonesia, the number of corona patients can reach 3,000 people per day. This is very sad because the Hospital is so overcrowded with people who have the Covid-19 virus. The hope of ending the pandemic for 1 month is still hanging. When we want to end this dark age, there is only one way. Improve discipline in wearing masks.

Why a mask? Because only masks can block the entry of other people’s droplets into our bodies. Especially if he is a person without symptoms, if he transmits the disease it will be very dangerous. Masks are important to protect yourself. Don’t just use a face shield and then remove the mask for stuffy reasons and so on, because the protection is not optimal.

There has been a decline in the use of masks in recent weeks and is less stringent than at the start of the pandemic. Ordinary people think corona is gone. So they took off their masks because they weren’t free to breathe. Even though the pandemic has not ended at all, because there are still Covid patients, and the vaccine has not yet been officially circulated.

Mask raids are not very effective either, because if there are no officers they will remove them. Fines and sanctions are considered less burdensome. Even though the nominal fine is quite large, up to 250,000 rupiah. So what matters now is how to raise public awareness to wear masks and adhere to health protocols.

How to increase public awareness? If the fine is not effective, it can be done in a rather extreme way. If there are residents who do not wear masks, they are punished by feeding ODGJ (people with mental disorders). It could also be another punishment, by entering the coffin to reflect on his mistakes. This is so that they are deterred and do not repeat it.

Masks are very important to wear. Moreover, Doctor Reisa stated that the effectiveness of using new masks applies when at least 70% of people wear them in one environment. So the use of masks is very necessary, so that there is no more corona transmission. Moreover, cloth masks are cheap and can be found in stores and online shops.

Cloth masks are preferable to surgical masks, because people have misunderstood them. Surgical masks should only be used by doctors and other health workers. Often ordinary people wear surgical masks but are worn for weeks, even though this type of mask is only disposable. Because the material is relatively more easily damaged than cloth masks.

People can choose a cloth mask that has 3 layers and a tissue is inserted as a filter inside. As a result, the filtered air will be cleaner. Choose a cloth mask with a strap model, because it can be more comfortable to wear and not as tight as a mask that is attached to the ear. Choose a cloth mask that absorbs sweat and replace it every 4 hours.

The use of masks is very important and more importantly the maintenance. After arriving home, wash immediately with warm water. Dirty masks are not effective against droplets, so mask hygiene must take precedence. Buy at least a dozen cloth masks. In the bag, bring 3-4 pieces of mask to spare, and give it to those who don’t eat it.

Remember the adage “it is better to prevent than to cure”. It is better to prevent corona by wearing a mask discipline, rather than languishing because of contracting the covid-19 virus. Moreover, the medical costs are very expensive, if you don’t have a BPJS. Masks are also very affordable, so there’s no reason not to wear them.

)* The author is a citizen living in Bandung

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