Perpetrators of Social Security Funds Withheld Corona Fund Cutting Must Be Firmly Treated

Perpetrators of Social Security Funds Withheld Corona Fund Cutting Must Be Firmly Treated

By: Edi Jatmiko )*

The Bansos Fund was of course intended for the community to be able to meet their needs during the Covid-19 pandemic, but apparently there were a handful of people who without feeling guilty of cutting Bansos funds. The community also supports that the perpetrators of the Bansos Fund deduction must be taken firmly because it adds to the burden on the community.

This happened to the angkot sopor community in North Jakarta. North Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Senior Commissioner Budhi Herdi Susianto said that the cash social assistance should be received by the angkot driver community.

The police have succeeded in uncovering the act of cutting the Social Cash Assistance (BST) fund carried out by a person with the initial MI (41) who is a M15 microbus public transport timer on the Tanjung Priok City route.

Budhi explained that the central government had allocated BST to the people affected by the corona virus pandemic, which included cash in the amount of Rp. 600,000 per month.

The MI mode of cutting action is that they are asked to withdraw to the ATM and there is an amount of money that must be given to MI to be given again to the parties to expedite. In this mode he managed to pocket Rp. 2,000,000.

Meanwhile in the second stage, MI acts with the ATM mode which is received by KPM directly requested by MI. He took Rp 150,000 per person from the ATM. The second stage he took a profit of Rp 3,000,000.

Budhi said, this practice was revealed after the suspect with the initials MI launched its action for the second time.

The police then sent intelligence and confirmed that this was actually done by MI.

According to Budhi, his party will continue to oversee and monitor the provision of Social Aid given by the government to the community.

He added, the police would not hesitate to arrest those who carried out the cutting or misappropriation of social assistance both in cash and groceries.

For his actions, MI was charged with Article fraud and embezzlement 372 and 378 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a criminal sentence of four years in prison.

Bansos fund cuts apparently did not only occur in North Jakarta, outside Jakarta, but the cuts were even done with an unsparing rate of up to Rp. 500,000 from Rp. 600,000 that should have been received by KPM.

It means, those who receive the assistance only get Rp. 100,000 of the total assistance that must be obtained, of course this is not comparable with the nominal provided by the government.

The cuts in the Bansos funds apparently took place in Buluduri Village, Lae Parira District, Dairi Regency.

The news about the funds that should have been intended for people affected by the economy due to the pandemic had reached the police.

The peak was in the middle of May 2020, a number of women from Buluduri villagers who were considered to be involved or knew the reason for this, along with the wife of the village head of Buluduri, were taken to the Dairi Police Headquarters. Some of the Bansos money was also secured.

Previously, the National Police would firmly take action against anyone who misused social assistance funds (Bansos) in handling the corona virus pandemic (covid-19). The implementation of these activities will continue to be monitored to each region.

As is known, the central government budgeted Rp. 3.2 trillion in the form of social assistance for residents of Jabodetabek who were affected by corona. Assistance in the form of food packages was distributed to 2.6 million people or 1.2 million families with a magnitude of Rp 600,000 per month for 3 months.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has also prepared a budget of Rp. 179.4 billion for Social Aid with a amount of Rp. 149,500 per family. The food packages have been distributed to the right people for the past week. But apparently there are a number of elements who use the assistance by cutting it.

According to Idham, misappropriation of Social Security funds could be subject to corruption. Because of that he ordered all of his staff to carry out monitoring as well as provide education to local governments so that the distribution of social media in accordance with existing regulations.

Member of the House of Representatives Commission III Supriansa also asked the police to dismiss the perpetrators of circumcision Bansos for corona-affected communities. The reason is, cutting the aid fund is tantamount to abusing its authority.

Strict supervision is absolutely necessary so that assistance in the midst of a pandemic can be distributed to people who really need it.

The police certainly don’t need to hesitate to take action against those who have been proven to misuse aid funds.

)* Active writer in the Press Circle and Cikini Students

coronaFund CuttingperpetratorsSocial Security FundsTreated
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