Personal Wise, Enriches Data

Personal Wise, Enriches Data

By: Syifa Khaerunnisa Firmansyah

A wise person in the era of modernization today is a form of attitude that deserves full appreciation. How to receive information wisely is something that must be embedded in every individual. Hoax news on social media is now a deadly boomerang in this +62 country, the widespread news that is spread without a profound literacy process makes actors who intend to spread hoaxes will laugh outraged at the behavior of people who increasingly believe in the news being stretched. Not a natural thing, if the community receives cargo without a trusted source. It seems that the nomination of “the most relaxed country in the world” is one of the factors of how easy it is for people to trust a news, because their relaxed attitude makes one not want to look for supporting data related to news that is spread. In fact, it is enough to googling alone that the community will be able to find relevant supporting data related to the news that needs to be questioned.

In news, Agustina (2017) writes that hoaxes in Indonesia can also make a person lose their lives. In West Kalimantan in 2017. A 53-year-old man was killed by a mob because he was accused of being a child abductor. At that time the deceased intended to visit his newborn grandson at his son’s house, but at that time he was confused looking for his son’s house. Without trying to find more information, the residents then ganged up on the man to death.

It can be seen that if a news without accurate truth (hoax) is able to make Indonesia divided, people assume negative things about one’s behavior because of unclear news circulating to the public, unlucky not only the divisions arising from hoaxes, worse can be take the life of someone who is clearly innocent. Not only that, logically there are many today that preach about dangerous content in a famous brand, unscrupulous person reports a dangerous content in the brand without strong evidence like the results of research in the laboratory, but easily people believe without seeing the accuracy of the source news, then the strong foundation of what was stated in the news. So what happens is that there is a sense of worry among the public to consume food from the brand, so that there is a loss for the company, but for the hoax news disseminator is a separate profit because it is able to make the brand experience a decrease in production. We have seen many trading games like this in social media, even though in fact the brand is clearly safe for consumption based on the results of laboratory research.

The way people receive information in the current era is a very wrong thing, without embedded literacy culture makes news easily consumed by the community, we can see several negative impacts of easily receiving news without deep literacy including:

1. Cause divisions between the people

2. The existence of an injured party but not guilty

3. Cause anxiety in the community

4. Short orientation in making decisions

5. Reluctant to seek the truth

6. Death of someone affected by slander

In the future, if the millennial generation still has a short mind without the desire to find relevant literature in a news, then the development in this country will never progress, even though this country is able to develop in the fields of technology, science and other aspects. next year, what is very likely to happen is the attitude of non-sportsmanship with its competitors. Then if that happens, what will be the attitude of the leader of this country? Embedded non-sportsmanship actually makes a leader unworthy of a leader. If all the leaders of this country behave that way, the development in this country will actually be broken apart, because there is a sense of wanting to bring down the petty way. Indonesia’s Independence, August 17, 1945 will only become history in the next 5 years if the millennial generation is reluctant to act wisely, and is reluctant to enrich the data.

But we can avoid this early on, if the millennial generation has a determination not to easily receive inaccurate information, be able to think logically, be wise and want to enrich the data to strengthen the truth of a news. Not only unity and unity, mutual trust will foster peaceful independence in this country, as well as the country’s development which will grow rapidly due to the unification of ideal, intelligent and wise thinking so that August 17 2024/2025 and going forward will be a glorious history that is no less amazingly, because the millennial generation is now able to rise up and refuse hoaxes to spread and possess his thoughts with a solid foundation.

Wise personal, enriching data will not only be a great leader, but also if an individual whose broad thinking about information will actually make it as a person that many people need. Enriching data is like opening a world window. Therefore, from now on, be wise, enrich the data to refute hoaxes and become a wiser person with knowledge, so that in the next 5 years Indonesia will become a truly independent Indonesia.

Enriches DatahoaxPersonal Wise
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