Pickup for Habib Rizieq to reconciliation assessed as irrelevant

By: Indra Kusuma )*

The reconciliation between Prabowo’s camp and Jokowi seems unable to end the 2019 presidential election drama. As suggested by former BPN spokesman Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak regarding the FPI frontman pickup efforts Habib Rizieq Shihab behind reconciliation between Jokowi and Prabowo.

Previously Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak also commented regarding the plan for reconciliation between Jokowi and Prabowo Subianto after the 2019 Presidential Election.

Dahnil hoped that the meeting would also discuss the repatriation of prominent Habib Rizieq Shihab Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) to Indonesia as a form of political reconciliation.

This is certainly unethical, because reconciliation should be a peaceful step without the conditions and cooperation of Habib Rizieq, not because the government is welcome to go home, even though the government has never expelled the FPI leadership.

Zuhairi Misrawi argued that Dahnil’s proposal seemed strange. Because the meeting between Jokowi and Prabowo is expected by many to reduce the heat of the atmosphere in the community during the 2019 Presidential Election.

“I think that reconciliation does not stir people. But it concerns vision. Vsi how we as a nation must unite again, “said Zuhairi.

Regarding Habib Rizieq Shihab, who is currently still in Mecca in Saudi Arabia, Zuhairi said that the matter could be carried out outside the reconciliation between Jokowi and Prabowo.

Therefore, he felt strange if there was the name Habib Rizieq, which was later related to the meeting between Jokowi and Prabowo. The meeting between the two is rumored to be taking place this July.

“It’s strange that in reconciliation there are points about Habib Rizieq,” he said.

On a different occasion, Chairman of the Golkar DPP, Andi Sinulingga, admitted that he did not agree with the conditions of reconciliation which contained the mission of returning Habib Rizieq Shihab to the country.

According to him, making Rizieq Shihab’s legal case as a condition for reconciliation between Jokowi and Prabowo is an unreasonable idea.

Andi also stressed that basically he had never agreed to criminalize Rizieq who was the High Priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) organization.

However, this could not necessarily use all means to repatriate Habib Rizieq.

In line with these two statements, the PKB Awakening Party (Nation) General Secretary Daniel Johan considered that Rizieq’s return was a legal matter and had nothing to do with political reconciliation between Jokowi and Prabowo.

According to him so far he is more directed at legal issues, so he surrenders to the law so that it is carried out fairly – justly.

Daniel also requested that communication between Jokowi and Prabowo be carried out intensively first.

“Build good communication with all stakeholders. It was then. Because communication is what will bring any political decision later, “concluded Daniel.

The Executive Director of the Political and Public Policy Studies, Jerry Massie, argues that the discourse of reconciliation must be seen as a socially reconciling effort, not political reconciliation.

“Some people misunderstand reconciliation. This is not legal or political reconciliation so that there are conditions, but purely social reconciliation, “Jerry said.

“The statement of Dahnil’s brother is a condition of reconciliation with Habib Rieziq’s release which is very wrong and there is no correlation between the case with post-pipres reconciliation,” he said.

Jerry said that, reconciliation after the presidential election cannot be linked to certain legal cases. Because, true reconciliation is intended to resolve differences in views and conflicts of interest in society.

He also emphasized that the two supporting camps should be appropriate not to bring a discourse of reconciliation to the political sphere.

“So don’t take it to the political domain. Election is over avoiding resistance or rejection. Here both sides must be fair, not skeptical or apathetic, “Jerry said.

“However, the essence of the meaning of reconciliation is how to be able to resolve differences and conflicts of interest,” he said.

Reconciliation must be sought, because with reconciliation, it is useful to reduce polarization in the community. Peaceful efforts from both camps must continue to be fought for, but that does not mean that this concerns the return of Habib Rizieq.

)* The author is a sociopolitical observer

Habib RizieqirrelevantPickupReconciliation
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