PMII Appreciation on Jokowi

CIDISS. The success of Jokowi’s administration, not just a figment. This is evidenced by the appreciation of the Association of Indonesian Student Movement Alumni Association (IKA PMII). IKA PMII appreciates the successes of the government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo including infrastructure development, both in the transportation sector, public works, housing, rural, agriculture, health, education that has been real enjoyed by the community.

In the development of human resources, seen from the increasing index of human development and declining poverty levels. Where the BPS released that since 1999, only in 2017 the poverty rate is only 9.8 percent. In addition, the rate of inflation also continues to show a downward trend, Indonesia’s inflation rate before the economic crisis in 1998 is always two points and after that year began to slow down as economic policies began to improve.

The indication of the success of human resource development is also evident from the increase in income per capita, the increasing level of public education and the increasing level of community welfare.

There are many more constructions built Jokowi and JK that will be completed this year. Like an achievement donated to the country, so much development has been built, hopefully Indonesia is more successful and able to compete at the international level. At the same time, however, a lot of hoax news circulated that spread false news about Jokowi-JK government, entering the election period, netizens are also expected to be smarter in reading and disseminating news stories in social media. Netizens are also expected to be smarter in checking the credibility of a news site and doing a second check to justify the news – news in circulation, especially news related to numbers. Moreover, by starting into this general election we must increasingly wise choose which one is right and which one is wrong.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

declining poverty levelsPMII Appreciationthe Association of Indonesian Student Movement Alumni Association (IKA PMII)the development of human resourcesThe success of Jokowi's administration
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