Political Intrigue of the Anti Hoax Society Coalition

* Rizal Arifin

The atmosphere of the 2019 presidential election increased after the second presidential debate yesterday. The candidate’s map of strength and expertise is increasingly visible. Debate as one of the variables to determine people’s political preferences is considered successful. Incumbent performance for nations supported by scientific data and indicators is displayed. Once rowing, two to three islands are exceeded. Not only support was obtained but also educated the public on opposition criticism so far.

It was not the same as incumbent, Prabowo Subianto as the opposition presidential candidate did not succeed in optimizing the debate forum as a place to build sympathy. Various statements were made without valid data. The differences that contrast with the current government cannot be conveyed, instead agreeing on incumbent achievements and policies. If you really agree, then what is the purpose of becoming a candidate? Prabowo’s unpreparedness in facing the debate yesterday was clear. The actual problems, especially those concerning the theme of the debate, are not controlled at all.

Not long after the second presidential debate, the group on behalf of the Anti-Hoax Community Coalition reported incumbent candidates to Bawaslu. They reported allegations of data lying delivered at the debate yesterday. They regard the incumbent argument as false information delivered in public. Even though the data has been verified from the authorities.

Strongly this suspicion is opposition political maneuvers. Fear of losing sympathy and being abandoned by supporters. Prabowo’s crushing defeat in the debate was answered by spreading hoaxes, namely the incumbent presidential candidate was considered to have delivered false information. The opposition has run out of mind to stem the electability of presidential candidate number 01 which has skyrocketed. Hoaxes by accusing opponents of spreading hoaxes are considered deadly bullets.

The public is not that easy to believe in opposition political intrigue. The Anti Hoax Society Coalition which reported presidential candidate number 01 to Bawaslu was suspected of being the political tool of the opposition. Eggi Sudjana’s involvement in the report reinforces this suspicion. He is a Legislative Candidate from the National Mandate Party who is part of the Prabowo-Sandi coalition. That this is opposition political intrigue in the name of the Anti Hoax Society Coalition.

The hoax waves are never produced by the opposition. Belief to boost electability in this way seems to be ingrained. Even if charged with criminal charges for hoaxes that are distributed later it is considered criminalization. This action cannot be tolerated. There is no place on earth for immoral politicians. Various hoaxes that happened several times ago from the opposition groups increasingly opened the common sense of the people of Indonesia. That continuing national leadership and development is a fixed price.

* The author is an observer of social and political problems

2019 presidential electionAnti Hoax Society Coalitionpolitical
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