By: M. Irfandi )*

2019 is a political year for Indonesia, this is because the elections in 2019 are the first time Indonesia has also held Election of Legislative Members, House of Representatives, Regional Representative Council, Provincial Regional Representative Council, Regency Regional Representative Council, and the Presidential and Vice President elections are held simultaneously in the same time throughout Indonesia.

Basically, the 2019 Election can be said to run in an orderly manner. Since June 27, 2019 the Constitutional Court has appointed the President and Vice President for 2019-2024. However, there are obstacles that are feared to damage the sense of brotherhood of the Indonesian people. One of the main cases is the rampant phenomenon of hoaks in the 2019 General Election that is no longer tolerable. Hoaks Fighting anyone, figures, scientists, politicians, religionists, statesmen to state leaders, the president did not escape the chaos of hoax producers. Various goals have been intended by hoax players to spread the news that is not true, from looking for product profits, dropping competitor’s image, killing the character of political rivals, building a bad opinion on society to disturbing society in real life.

The nation’s children are worthy and must call the hoax seriously and creatively. With an awareness of religious values ​​originating in the Koran, Hadith, Ijma ‘and Qiyas and for maintaining the unity and unity of the Indonesian nation. The nation’s people who are literate in the media must be cooled to the noise caused by irresponsible individuals who have produced hoaks in the seconds leading up to the election. So that together we are able to create a peaceful democracy without hoarding the seeds of hatred towards fellow Indonesian citizens.

The national values ​​of children of the nation can be lost due to hoaxes that continue to scatter, hoax is not part of freedom of opinion because hoax leads people to agree on information that is not bold. Hoaks raises more madhorods than benefits to the community, especially the hoax that is spread during the election has the potential to break harmony between the community and the nation’s children.

elections 2019indonesiapoliticalPresidential and Vice President elections
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