PON XX Papua Knit Unity of the Nation

PON XX Papua Knit Unity of the Nation

By: Jeremiah Kogoya )*

Year 2020 is likely to be a history for Papua Province, where in that year, Papua will host the XX National Sports Week (PON) event. The PON XX event in 2020 which will bring athletes from all provinces in Indonesia is also an effort to knit national unity.

PON has a long history, the event was first held in 1948 in conditions of war and blockaded by the Netherlands, the Indonesian government was not afraid to hold a big celebration of the first National Sports Week (PON). President Ir Soekarno himself was present at the opening on 9 September 1948.

At that time, the PON did not only hold sporting events, it also contained a political message, with the intention of implementing the PON to show the Netherlands that Indonesia was a sovereign country.

Of course new history in Papua will be printed in September, where the implementation of PON in Papua is a leap in civilization and new history for the people of Papua.

The implementation of PON in Papua will bring in many athletes from all over Indonesia. For this reason, the community must be a good host and help the implementation of the PON run well and smoothly

No less than 6,442 athletes from various parts of the country will come to Papua. The number has not added official and supporters. Of course this will make Papua lively with a spirit of unity.

Thaha Al Hamid as a Papuan Community Leader said, Organizing PON in Papua should be grateful, all parties must give thanks to God Almighty and thank the government, because for the first time in the history of PON to be held in Papua, he added that this was not just a routine , but it is a new history for Papua.

Thaha said, Papuan customs do not want Papuans to mess up in front of guests. If guests come, we must respect and introduce that culture in Papua is mutual respect.

On a different occasion, Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo considered this a new milestone in the history of Papua’s development by prioritizing Pancasila values.

He revealed, the Papuan people could certainly take advantage of the momentum of this PON by being a good host, supported by all elements of the nation.

When he reviewed the construction of the Rising Papua Main Stadium, in Jayapura, Bamsoet believed that anyone would be amazed when he saw the splendor of the Rising Papua main stadium.

This will open the aura of greatness of the people of Papua, which is rich in natural and cultural beauty. The stadium is the latest landmark of the rise of Papua to become an increasingly developed, prosperous, just and prosperous area.

Bamsoet rate, the construction of stadiums and other sports venues in Papua is not just building inanimate objects. It is hoped that from the construction of this sports facility, more Papuan children will be able to become national athletes.

Meanwhile Indonesian President Joko Widodo has issued a Presidential Instruction regarding the acceleration of support for the implementation of the XX PON and 2020 XVI National Paralympic Week in Papua Province on January 17, 2020.

Presidential Instruction no. 2020 which was signed by the President was addressed to 17 Ministers, Commander of the TNI, National Police, Attorney General, a number of Heads of Agencies / Institutions, the Governor of Papua to the Regents / Mayors in Papua Province.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo also placed great attention on the success of the national sports event through Presidential Instruction Number 10 of 2017 concerning the support of organizing the XX National Sports Week and XVI National Paralympic Year 2020 in Papua Province to support the smooth PON XX in Cenderawasih Earth, as a manifestation that the government Indonesia is serious and committed to advancing Papua in all fields.

Jokowi instructed to take steps in accordance with their respective duties, functions and authorities in a coordinated and integrated manner to accelerate support in organizing the XXVI PON and National Paralympic Week (PEPARNAS) 2020 in Papua Province.

To the Minister of Home Affairs, Jokowi instructed to facilitate policy support to local governments and facilitate synchronization and harmonization of regional planning and budgeting documents.

To the Minister of Finance, Jokowi instructed to allocate the necessary budget in accordance with the country’s financial capacity and the provisions of the legislation.

The implementation of Papua PON XX certainly needs the support of many parties, including the public who have a role in maintaining order and smoothness during the 4-year event.

)* The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

KnitNationPapuaPON XXUnity
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