Preventing the Spread of Radicalism among Millennials

Preventing the Spread of Radicalism among Millennials

By: Rahmat Siregar )*

The young or millennial group is a group that is vulnerable to radicalism. This vulnerability arises due to the closeness of millennial generation with the internet and social media. The government and society need to increase synergy and breakthroughs to prevent the spread of anti-Pancasila ideology.

The spread of radicalism which tends to be quiet is considered by some to be actually unsettling. Instead of diminishing, its development is actually increasing and worrying. Moreover, as the world of digitalization accelerates, it is increasingly making people easy to access anything through cyberspace.

Radicalism is also one of the crucial issues and needs to be watched out for in Indonesia. Adherents of this understanding, usually openly or secretly oppose Pancasila as the state ideology. As well as regard Indonesia as a thagut state, a liberal and secular state which has followed the ideology of a pagan state. So that discourse arises if the ideology of the state needs to be replaced with the teachings of Islam through the Khilafah system.

Pancasila is the final ideology for the Indonesian nation, and the Unitary Republic of Indonesia is a fixed price. This is part of the agreement of the founders of this country. Therefore, there is no more bargaining in terms of the ideology and form of the Indonesian state which is famous for its diversity.

Radicalism seems to flourish in the education sector. The spread is considered so easy in the student line because at this time they are still in an unstable state and easily indoctrinated. His attitude which tends to still participate here makes radicalism perpetrators take the opportunity, by trying to incorporate deviant radical notions.

For students themselves, they certainly will not be aware, especially their consciences (students) want to be recognized. The enthusiasm that students want to get in their time is welcomed by radical actors. They will continue to be crammed with misinformation and misinformation to oppose governance. Including raising the attitude of intolerance to others, consider themselves the most correct to behave extreme and typical with Islam.

In fact, radicalism is not always identical with certain Islamic groups that have a radical mindset, resulting in an ugly image of Islam. However, such movements which indicate the extreme of understanding certain things can be included in the radical sense.

It’s just that the public is full of various events related to Muslims. Like the suicide bombing incident which is increasingly rampant, the perpetrators are Muslim. This is certainly increasingly positioning Muslims as if indeed Terrorism. In fact, it is not his religion (Islam) that is wrong! In fact, it is the people who are unable to understand the teachings of Islam properly and correctly.

These actors tend to want to create a breakthrough because the government does not seem to run according to what is understood. Sadly, these radicalism actors invite students to carry out their interests. They see the great potential of the emotional instability of students who will be easily ignited when given the doctrines of building, but actually distorted.

Radicalism that spreads in the school environment is not yet clearly visible. The indications of schools embraced by radicalism are also considered minimal, but that does not mean they do not exist at all. One indicator of schools that adopt an anti-Pancasila system is; do not want to pay respect to the red and white flag, do not sing the Indonesia Raya song, so they do not put up photos of the president and vice president including the symbol of Pancasila and Garuda Bird.

Even more dangerous is the elimination of subjects that educate about nationalism. If this happens, how will young shoots love their own country if they do not have this attitude of nationalism?

Therefore, the state should not be missed. Officials or supervisors from the Department of Education must intensively visit schools which are allegedly potential to become places for spreading radical ideas. Among others, by observing the school environment, the learning process, including extracurricular activities.

In addition, the school must proactively anticipate the spread of radical ideas. Efforts that can be done is by; instilling the values ​​of Pancasila by providing understanding to students during the flag ceremony, and other events that can get rid of the wrong understanding of the ideology of this country.

Meanwhile, teachers or educators are needed to provide guidance so that they can carefully filter all information related to radicalism. So that educators do not fall prey to spreading radical understanding among their students. Because, teachers are unifying the nation.

Fighting radicalism in millennials does have its challenges. Behind emotional instability, innocence about an experience, he is still a human who has a sensitive side. We cannot immediately give a strict ban on the association they choose. Or activities that still smell of education that they learn. It could be that the psychological approach can be an effort so that the seeds of this generation of people understand that radical actions and understandings are wrong. And all these efforts can start from the family.

)* The author is a social political observer

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