Prevention of Violations in The Campaign

Prevention of Violations in The Campaign

CIDISS – One of the strategic issues in holding general elections is related to the fairness and integrity of elections as a parameter of democratic elections. Justice and integrity of elections must be manifested in the regulation of all stages, including campaign activities. Campaigns have a very important position in the electoral process, which is as an instrument or means of public political education. In the context of political parties, campaigns are a series of actions carried out planned, which are expected to create certain effects on a large number of audiences and are carried out sustainably over a period of time. In addition, the campaign became an effective instrument to gain support from the masses and voters in general elections. Therefore, the campaign should not be allowed to become a dark aisle without clear lights.

Regarding campaign activities, there is potential that can threaten the realization of justice and elections with integrity. This is due to a number of unclear campaign settings or in the gray area that can be utilized by political parties participating in the 2019 General Election. When the arrangement is consistently implemented, the most disadvantaged parties are the new political parties, because the party New politics have not been well known and massive by the public. This is different from the old political parties that are more known to the public, at least the public is aware of the existence of the party and knows its symbol.

Another gap that is often used in campaign activities is the use of mass media, both print, audio visual and internet, especially by political parties who are also owners of mass media companies. Often covert campaigns are broadcast in the form of programs / broadcasts such as talk shows with various forms. A number of televisions whose owners are affiliated with certain political parties freely display news about the actions of certain political parties with a long duration or in the form of running text.

Other serious potential violations are related to the use of campaign funds which are very vulnerable to abuse. However, the role of the community is not to worry about the creation of a campaign that is not in accordance with the provisions, but rather the active role of the community to succeed in the realization of a peaceful campaign. One of them is to play an active role in monitoring the running of the campaign and taking the necessary actions when finding violations.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

general electionsOne of the strategic issuesPreventionthe campaignviolations
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