PSBB Java Bali Effectively Prevents Corona

PSBB Java Bali Effectively Prevents Corona

By: Timothy Gobay) *
The regions of Java and Bali will again implement Large-Periodic Social Restrictions (PSBB). The public is asked to be willing to live it, because this is very effective in reducing the rate of transmission of corona. Because the mobility of many people is limited, physical distancing occurs and automatically reduces the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Early in 2021, the government will reintroduce the PSBB in Java and Bali, starting January 11. Coordinating Minister for the Economy and chairman of the Covid-19 Handling Committee, Airlangga Hartarto explained that this limitation was carried out for 2 weeks. The point is to prevent the transmission of the corona virus, and hopefully after the pandemic PSBB can end quickly.
People who are affected by the PSBB are expected to cooperate with the government and the covid task force team. They are restricted when traveling outside the home, and they wear masks. Meanwhile, the children continue to study at home, and their parents can work from home, even though only 75% of the allowance for work comes.
Meanwhile, shopping centers open at most 7pm. These opening hours also apply to other crowded places such as restaurants or cafes. They can also only accommodate 25% of visitors. It must also comply with health protocols such as all visitors and employees wearing masks, maintaining a distance, and providing a place to wash hands.
The PSBB which is being carried out again, specifically in these 2 islands, does not have to upset the people. Because the purpose of the restrictions is to suppress corona transmission. From the data from the Covid-19 task force as of 6 January 2021, there were more than 10,000 new Covid patients. This figure is certainly dire, and the PSBB is a way to control the increasing number of Covid-19 virus infections.
The increase in the number of corona patients has actually been predicted by epidemic experts. Because last December, there was a long year-end holiday. While the duration is shortened by the government, some are still stubborn and are traveling out of town. They are even willing to do a swab test when they visit the Island of the Gods, even though it is expensive.
This part of society’s delinquency made medical personnel dizzy. Because the hospital that handles corona is always full of patients. Even in one of the big hospitals in Malang, the lobby room is a temporary patient room, because there are so many people who have been infected by the Covid-19 virus.
PSBB is expected to reduce the number of patients by up to 20%. Because according to the Head of the Covid Task Force Doni Monardo, when community mobility was limited in September 2020, the number of patients decreased to a fifth. Restrictions in Bali are carried out, because Denpasar and Badung remain red zone areas.
Meanwhile in DKI Jakarta, it is also still in the red zone status. Even the governor, Anies Baswedan, also contracted the corona. He has to go into self-isolation for a month, and work to lead the capital online. If the people of Jakarta obey the rules, then you can reflect on the governor’s illness, because when he is hit by a virus it certainly feels very bad.
Imagine if you insisted on going out during curfew and violating the PSBB. Apart from being at risk of being caught by Satpol PP and having to pay a fine, it could also potentially be corona. Because this virus can spread through dirty and stuffy air. If you are sick, your smell disappears, you have shortness of breath, you are weak, and you are unable to think clearly (delirium). Will you be like this?
Don’t be angry when there is a PSBB in Java and Bali, because this is proof that the government really loves its people. Mobility is restricted and there is a curfew, for logical reasons, so there is no booming transmission of the corona virus. We certainly want the pandemic to end soon and live normally again, so we must comply with this PSBB program.

) * The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo

coronaEffectivelyJava BaliPreventsPSBB
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