By: M. Irfandi )*

Since 2018, political parties from both sides of the presidential and vice-presidential candidate pair have been intensively launching their political maneuvers in both the real and virtual worlds. They have various ways to smooth out their political ambitions. The practice of political machiavelism that justifies all means certainly tarnishes political ethics and public morality.

Various utterances of hatred, money politics, body shamming, cyber bullying and even hoaxes are produced as political propaganda tools. The practice of the black campaign has made the social climate of the Indonesian people worse. Political elites along with the media who are aggressively framming the public to lead the masses into their real interests are loaded with conflict.

However, this nation has already held a democratic election for 2019. Therefore, the success team of the two pairs of candidates should have peace reconciliation and stop all practices of sheepfighting. After the election, where the winner has already been decided, the two camps should accept the final results of the 2019 General Election.

In the contestation of democracy there are always winners and losers. The participants of this democratic party should be consistent with their choices. The attitudes of cosensence mean that every supporter must accept the reality. Whatever the outcome will be, we must commit to supporting whoever elected president and vice president. In essence, that’s where political maturity and national commitment of the Indonesian people are tested after the general election.

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