Referendum Is Not Relevant to Resolve the Papua Problem

Referendum Is Not Relevant to Resolve the Papua Problem

By: Rebecca Marian) *

Along with the riots in Manokwari West Papua, demands for a Papuan referendum have also strengthened. Supporters of the Free Papua agenda take advantage of this momentum to garner support. In fact, the determination of opinion has already been made and the referendum does not necessarily solve the problem of Papua.

   It was recorded on May 1, 1963. Indonesia showed the seriousness of having Papua at a high price, with struggle, blood and lives. At that time Indonesia had to mobilize its military strength through the largest Airborne Trikora jump to the largest amphibious operation in Indonesia.

            It has been illustrated that in order to obtain Papua, there was an effort by the military and hundreds of lives to escape from their bodies in the wilderness, swamps of Papua, to the middle of the ocean.

            With the uniformity of fuel prices in Papua, it means that Indonesia has subsidized so much to Papua. However, various separatist efforts to hoax news that spread on social media said the opposite, the Unitary Republic of Indonesia was blamed as a usurper of Papua’s natural wealth.

            That campaign was intensified by those who wanted to snatch Papua from the bosom of the archipelago, the provocation effort was also used as their selling point to gain sympathy from a foreign country.

            Then what is the guarantee related to welfare if Papua chooses to separate. Of course you can imagine, if Papua follows the direction of the thought of the pro-disintegration who pursue personal power, if they choose to be separated from the Republic of Indonesia, is it possible that Papua will get the fulfillment of its domestic supply?

            Industry Minister Airlangga Hartanto revealed that Papua has always been the concern of President Jokowi. Coupled with subsidies for the region given greater than the award given by PT Freeport. From the economic sector, many also think that Indonesia is taking natural resources (SDA).

             In addition, a former separatist member of the armed group, Telangga Gire, finally decided to return to being an Indonesian citizen. The decision was made because Telangga was fed up with the bullshit of his boss Goliath Tabuni. He admitted that he was often lulled by Papuan independence and apparent positions.

            Telangga stated that he returned to NKRI along with four of his colleagues who were followers of Goliath. He said, many years of life suffer in the forest. Not enough logistics and infrastructure. They must continue to heat, cold, rain and hunger.

            Daily nutritional intake is only petatas and taro taken from the community garden. Whereas on the other hand, he sees development in the villages and in the cities of the Papua region advancing and the people there are living prosperously.

            He also thinks that his children have to go to school so that later his life will be better, therefore Telangga decided to embrace Merah Putih again. Together with some of his colleagues who are also followers of Goliath, they vowed to work well to take care of the children to be successful.

            Not only that, Telangga also appealed to all colleagues who were still in the forest, to return to the lap of the Republic of Indonesia and be able to live the norm as Indonesian citizens. According to him, what has been fought for so far is only empty dreams and distressing offspring.

            Meanwhile, the Puja Regent also held a reception ceremony by inviting Mulia residents, Puncak Jaya. He also promised to distribute the work and build a house for KKSB members who were willing to surrender themselves back to the Indonesian Republic.

            This certainly shows that Papuan Independence only promises pseudo happiness, so there is no guarantee of welfare at all for Papuans who choose to become sympathizers of separatist groups in Papua.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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