Referendum Is Not the Solution to Overcome the Papua Problem

The racialism incident in Surabaya, which in turn had an impact on the riots in Manokwari West Papua, in fact increased the demand for a Papuan referendum to support the independence agenda for Free Papua. They seemed to use the chaos available to fly the Morning Star flag and garner support.

            Protests in a number of areas in West Papua and Papua have an impact on the blockade of a number of arterial roads.

            Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) researcher Adriana Elisabeth assessed that the clashes and protests by the Papuan people were a burst of problems that had been felt so far. For example, discrimination and the economy, when Papuans cannot control the economy in their own regions.

            The issue was buried for so long in their minds. Until then their emotional outbursts began to explode when Papuan students received racist tone in East Java.

            Adriana also mentioned that problems related to Papua were not new. Economic disparity and discrimination often occur on Cenderawasih.

            The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) group claims to have submitted a petition signed by 1.8 million people to demand a referendum on West Papua’s independence.

            Seeing this, of course not approved by many parties. Moreover, the Papua Referendum is not the right way or way to solve problems.

            We also need to understand the situation and conditions that exist, especially the problem in East Java to spread to Papua and West Papua is the impact of people who are easily ignited provocation and hoaks.

            Even though this problem can be solved amicably, especially Khofifah Indar Parawansa as the Governor of East Java has apologized for the words and behavior of a group of East Java people who hurt the people of Papua.

            So the referendum is a big mistake, it does not mean the government is afraid or weak, but the concept of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia and the Unity of Indonesia will fade when the referendum occurs.

            National Police Chief Tito Karnavian also agrees that the wave of protests in Papua and West Papua is the aftermath of events in Surabaya and Malang, East Java that occurred on the eve of Indonesia’s independence day. At that time the Papuan Student Dormitory in Surabaya was surrounded by various elements of society and also officials.

            Residents claimed to get a video of Papuan students damaging the red and white flag, so they went to the hostel.

            However, Papuan students were cheered with racist sentences. They were asked to leave the dormitory with screams that were not appropriate to be conveyed.

            Police officers then fired tear gas before securing 43 students. Soon they were sent back.

            If anyone asks, what is the right solution to deal with the problems that exist in Papua. Of course the most appropriate solution in overcoming the Papua problem is how the Indonesian government and the people of Papua together determine the future of Papua within the framework of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia and foster a sense of ownership of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia by the Papuan people.

            The Governor of West Papua, Lukas Enembe, ensured that the integrated team would immediately descend to East Java, Central Java and Yogyakarta to elaborate on problems and find solutions.

            Conflicts in Manokwari and Sorong as well as in East Java have made separatist groups proud. This must be avoided, because the existing conflict will be something that can be ‘sold’ abroad to get sympathetic and support for secession.

            Of course it would be much better if all parties could first understand the conditions that are happening lately. Including about what is felt by the people of Papua. After that, only can get the right solution.

            The people of Papua must certainly believe that Papua will be even better if it remains in the red and white shade. We also witnessed various advances in Papua. Infrastructure Development continues to run there despite threats from armed criminal groups.

            Progress for Papua is not impossible, especially since Papua will host the National Sports Week (PON). So that progress for Papua is a necessity if the Regional Government and the people of Papua together with the central government participate in the development in Papua and the Republic of Indonesia.

Edward Krey, the writer is a Papuan student, lives in Yogyakarta

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