Reflecting the National Leadership After the 71 Years of Independence

Ilustrasi: Foto 7 Presiden Indonesia
Ilustrasi: Foto 7 Presiden Indonesia

By: Sandy Arief)*

Delirious celebration of the proclamation of independence is still felt throughout Indonesia. Right on 17th August, the entire Indonesian nation celebrates the age of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) who have reached the age of 71 years. Various forms of celebration, starting from the flag ceremony, carnival, even the party of the people (pesta rakyat) was be held as a gratitude for a successful independence that was proclaimed by our Founding Fathers. Celebration of the proclamation of independence increasingly felt perfect when Indonesian’s representatives, Tontowi Ahmad and Lilyana Natsir, won an Olympic gold medal in badminton. The gold medal was considered for a beautiful gift for the celebration of the proclamation of Indonesia.

On the other hand, frenetic celebration of the proclamation of independence should not neglect all Indonesians, especially the Indonesian leaders, to contemplate. Did NKRI has been carrying out its obligations as the protector of the entire Indonesian nation? Did NKRI has managed to promote the welfare for its people? Did NKRI has enhanced the intellectual life of this nation? Did NKRI has been active in maintaining the world order through such a long-last peace? These questions are crucial to serve as the point of the thought leaders in Indonesia today.

The national leadership is an important part to determine Indonesian’s future. During these 71 years, Indonesia has had seven Presidents as top of the national leadership. Seven presidential leadership style that is typical of each other have brought very valuable in the course of the Republic of Indonesia for 71 years.

Of course we will not forget how the struggle of the first president of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno, who struggled to proclaim the independence of Indonesia. We certainly will not forget how the determination of President Suharto, who continues to bring welfare and peace for Indonesia. Certainly not gone well out of our memory how President Habibie struggled in guarding Indonesia’s transition period to become more democratic. We are also equally understand that President Abdurrahman Wahid, President Megawati and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono trying their efforts as hard as possible to make Indonesia as a country that is secure and prosperous.

And for now, the reins of leadership of Indonesia held by Ir. Joko Widodo, or more familiarly known as Pak Jokowi. Under the reins of his leadership, President Jokowi was determined to bring Indonesia into a prosperous country, with a priority program to build the infrastructure in the whole of Indonesia. Mr. Jokowi’s determination that is noble and realistic. Any country in the world is not going to taste the sweetness of welfare if it does not have adequate infrastructure. However, that noble determination is impossible to be fulfilled if only the government itself gives their efforts.

Building infrastructure throughout Indonesia is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Unity and synergy between the people and the government is absolutely necessary in this case. In addition, the creation of a conducive security and order, in which the people play an important role to bring these two things, became one of the main keys to the nation’s development. In other words, the Indonesian people is supposed to wholeheartedly provide positive support to the government, so that the infrastructure development as the key to prosperity Indonesia would become a reality.

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

Independence DayinfrastructureRepublic of Indonesia (NKRI)the national leadership
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