Reject HTI in Order to Maintain Indonesian Unity and Diversity

Reject HTI in Order to Maintain Indonesian Unity and Diversity

By: Anindya Lazuardi *

The incessant movement of HTI banned organizations to get space in Indonesia is increasingly massive. Hizb ut-Tahrir has been internationally recognized as a prohibited organization. Some countries, such as Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries, reveal that this organization is very damaging to the ideological order of the country that has developed well in the country. The imposition of Hizb ut-Tahrir to implement the Caliphate ideology in various countries was a big mistake. There has been a lot of destruction of Arab countries and the phenomenon of the Arab Spring, which is largely inseparable from the role of Hizb ut-Tahrir through its provocation to the people to overthrow legitimate government.

The decision of the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) regarding the dissolution of HTI by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is legal and in accordance with established rules. Dissolution of this prohibited organization refers to the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2017. It is very obvious that the values ​​adopted by HTI are very contrary to the objectives, principles and characteristics of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

The dissolution of HTI has become one of the achievements as well as the country’s best step to minimize the future impact of these prohibited organizations. Although it has been dissolved, HTI’s understanding and cadres have not merely changed their direction and supported the Pancasila. In fact, they do not stop as an organization but transform into other forms.

The Indonesian people are actually quite intelligent in facing radical ideas. Indonesian culture and culture naturally rejected forms of hostility and intolerance, especially by carrying out the name of religion. The Indonesian state is based on a strong diversity so that radical understandings and teachings such as HTI are not suitable to develop in this peaceful country.

Hizb ut-Tahrir which is basically an organization / teaching from the outside, tries to enter Indonesia like an invader, aims to destroy the country and overthrow the legitimate government, so that they will rule arbitrarily. Therefore, it is only natural that President Jokowi took decisive steps to dissolve HTI to prevent a coup d’état in Indonesia. In fact, it can be said, Jokowi’s step is a manifestation of a pro attitude towards all religious people in Indonesia who have actually accepted the Pancasila since the days of independence. Through these steps, it is hoped that religious people in Indonesia will be more united to defend Pancasila as the basis of the state that must be protected from the undermining of other ideologies.

* The author is a Social Media Activist

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