Reject Separatism, Papua Legitimate Part of Republic of Indonesia

Reject Separatism, Papua Legitimate Part of Republic of Indonesia

By: Sabby Kosay )*

The demand for a Papuan referendum that rides racist issues and triggers riots is considered unreasonable. In addition to continuing to improve the welfare of society, the validity of Papua as part of Indonesia is also considered final and cannot be contested

The post-riot situation in Papua and West Papua currently tends to be conducive. The demonstrators are also known to many who feel cheated by the Korlap demonstrations which turned out to lead to anarchist actions. Previously, TNI Commander in Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto had also held dialogues with Papuan leaders. He said he would accommodate all the aspirations of the citizens of Papua. Regarding the situation that had experienced some complexity some time ago.

He also asserted if this dialogue is carried out heart-to-heart, given that Papua is part of an inseparable unity of the Republic of Indonesia. And all citizens in Papua have the same rights and laws, especially in terms of security in accordance with the mandate of the state to the TNI.

He also stated that if the sense of security obtained by other regions would also be felt by Papuans. All in the same portion, so that no one can interfere with Indonesian citizens in undergoing all activities. And ensure that there is no intimidation in religious or other activities

This is in line with the government’s efforts to create a conducive atmosphere after the riots the other day. Various paths were taken to restore the confidence of the people of Papua who had rocked due to several influences. Especially those who came from separatist groups.

This group is suspected of carrying out acts of provocation with neat and structured planning. As a result they easily pitted sheep and set fire to Papuans to carry out resistance and demonstrations. This group also gave speeches about Papuan independence that must be given immediately.

This view has actually been discussed by his predecessors. Recalling Papuan youth leaders who fought to escape from the Netherlands at that time, agreed to join the Republic of Indonesia. Many of the warrior figures were so proud when they watched the Saka Merah Putih flutter majestically on Bumi Cendrawasih.

They also stated that if Papuans would be more prosperous by remaining part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Apart from that, the minds of the Separatists have indeed experienced a shift. The implication is that there will be many influences that have indications of a specific purpose when they get Papua disintegration.

However, the government is not afraid. Any group effort that wants to separate from Papua must be considered a threat to the country’s security and security. Where the government apparatus has the right to do antisispasi steps to re-establish stable conditions due to this problem.

The same thing was also stated by the General Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto. Prabowo Subianto called on all parties to support the government’s efforts to overcome the polemic now experienced by Papua and West Papua. He said that all components of the nation should unite in maintaining the sovereignty of the Indonesian earth.

Prabowo also hopes that all parties will try to cool the atmosphere and avoid blaming each other. Mutual cooperation and help in difficulties to create strong and insoluble stability.

With a firm tone the former Kopassus Danjen stated that Papua was an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, the resolution of the Papua problem must be done together.

Indeed there are many parties who regretted the racial incidents experienced by Papuans last week that caused injuries and injured human rights. However, support and positive attitudes are also busy coming so that all parts of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia unite to fight all kinds of threats that disturb unity and unity that has been cultivated for a long time.

When a sense of security and comfort has been obtained, of course, will be happy and prosperous in life. In any case, any problem will not be able to change the position of Papua which has become ingrained in the archipelago.

)* The writer is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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