Rizieq Shihab Must Fulfill Police Calls

Rizieq Shihab Must Fulfill Police Calls

By: Firza Ahmad )*

Rizieq Shihab has been absent from the police summons twice, citing illness. Though the pause between 2 calls is quite long. If he acts manly then he will face the authorities, not hiding behind the word sick. Because he is still a witness, there is no need to be afraid first.

Rizieq Shihab should have visited Polda Metro Jaya on December 1, 2020, but he was absent because he was sick. Even though Rizieq was about to be asked about the crowd that occurred when his supporters picked him up, when he had just arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport. He was also asked why he was desperate to hold a party inviting 10,000 people, even though it was still a pandemic.

FPI lawyer Ichwan Tuankotta also cannot guarantee Rizieq’s presence. If the FPI commander cannot come, then the plan will be represented by a team of legal counsel. Even though Rizieq’s presence is highly expected, in order to provide information about the crowd at various events he had attended. So it can’t even be represented by the lawyer.

Head of Public Relations at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus stated that if Rizieq did not come on the 1st, he would be summoned again on 3 December. Kombes Yusri Yunus also confirmed that yesterday there were only representatives from the FPI. But he still has to come to account for his actions that made a large crowd.

Rizieq argued that he was still sick, so he could not answer the police summons. Even though on the previous summons he also admitted to being sick, due to fatigue on lecturing almost every day. Indeed, he was treated at a private hospital in Bogor. But forced himself to go home and the doctor granted his request.

The riddle about Rizieq’s illness also made the public curious. Because he is suspected of contracting the corona. Even on social media, a photo of the swab was circulated in the name of Muhammad Rizieq Shihab showing the reactive results of the corona. If it really belongs to the habib, then it is certain that he is really infected with the Covid-19 virus and transmitted it to 80 people in Petamburan and Bogor.

If only Rizieq was honest and wanted to show the results of the swab test, the police would understand and wait until he and his family had finished self-quarantine. But unfortunately the hospital and the swab testers kept it a secret. Is it so difficult to admit that I got corona? Because in fact this is not embarrassing, it actually facilitates the performance of the task force team for tracing the ODP.

However, after he recovered, it did not mean that he was free from police summons. Because he was caught in article number 93 of Law number 6/2018 concerning health quarantine, even though he is currently still a witness. Not only Rizieq, but also Najwa and her other children were examined so that there was complete information about the crowds at the party in Petamburan.

Indeed, some time ago, Rizieq finally apologized to the public for causing a crowd during the pandemic, when there was an online 212 reunion. However, this did not automatically mean that his call to Polda Metro Jaya was canceled. Because he still has to be accountable for his actions.

The public should also not be consumed by the provocations of Habib Rizieq’s defenders, who always play the victim and say that this case is the criminalization of religious leaders. In fact, a guilty religious leader cannot be above the law. If he violates the rules, of course he must be called by the police.

The public is waiting for Rizieq at Polda Metro Jaya. Where is the courage he has been so proud of? Having just been summoned twice has turned sour like a toothless tiger. He should have come for questioning and not hiding behind the excuse of being seriously ill.

)* The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

CallsPoliceRizieq Shihab
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