Role Cross-Sector in Realizing Safe and Peaceful Elections in NTB

By: Randi Basuki *
The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Human Rights (Menkopolhukam) Wiranto warned that all components of the nation maintain security and political stability ahead of the simultaneous 2019 election so that the country takes place safely and conducively.
“Security and politics must always be stable so that the country is not chaotic,” Wiranto said. According to him, security is an absolute requirement to build and prosper the nation. By creating a safe atmosphere, all forms of threats must be neutralized. Wiranto also emphasized that the important instrument of a democratic country is politics. Not only stability in the security sector, but political stability is also important. Because both of them correlate with each other.
The province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is a region with heterogeneous populations, of course, do not let the spirit of diversity be damaged by differences in the choice of the upcoming April 17 elections.
The NTB Provincial Government has carried out various strategic activities in the success of the upcoming 17 April 2019 democratic party. The community as the highest holder of sovereignty in the election also needs to show a pro-active attitude in supporting the success of the April 2019 elections.
Regional Secretary (Sekda) of NTB Province Haji Rosiyadi Saytuhi said that the electoral processes that come into contact with the community must be carried out with full responsibility and not cause chaos.
“In this election the atmosphere of mysticism is getting warmer but still we keep our heads cool, keep the spirit of brotherhood because whoever we choose in the election is our brother.”
According to him, political activists and sympathizers who have interests in the 2019 election have a big contribution in creating safe and peaceful elections.
“For this reason, the community presents politely and dignified politics. The community is also not fought by spreading false news, slander which influences regional stability, “he said.
On the previous occasion, the NTB Millennials were also committed to supporting the creation of the 2019 peaceful election. The commitment was declared jointly in Mataram in February. NTB millennials are a combination of NTB kenjo, Sedulur Jokowi, Baja NTB and PSI NTB. On this occasion, the NTB millennials also expressed their commitment to win the candidate pair number 01 Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin.
The role in maintaining peaceful elections also cannot be separated from the role of Islamic boarding schools. NTB Regional Police Chief Inspector General Achmat Juri appreciated the role of Islamic boarding schools which had always been the front guard in guarding the peaceful election process. In addition, according to him, the boarding school is a place to maintain the 4 pillars of nationality, namely the NKRI, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, Pancasila and UUD 45.
Achmat Juri stated, ahead of the implementation of the democratic party in April 2019, his side urged and at the same time hoped that all the people of NTB together maintain the regional election so that it runs successfully, smoothly and safely, thus giving birth to leaders who are responsible, honest and fair and capable of guarding regional development to be better. To realize this, certainly awareness of all elements of society is needed to respect the political rights of fellow citizens by always displaying polite attitudes and behavior in democracy.
“Let’s carry out a democratic party with peace, harmony. We hope for success because inherited democracy from our ancestors must be preserved, preserved and attained by that noble ideal, “he explained.
Meanwhile, Tuan Guru Muammar Arafat as the leader of the Darul Fallah Islamic boarding school advised the santri and residents to take part in the elections by giving their support and maintaining a spirit of unity. He also added, Islamic Boarding Schools play an important role in creating peaceful elections. Because the Islamic Boarding School is very close to the community, and through the means of da’wah, recitation and religious activities will be inserted a message of peace in the face of the 2019 Election.
Islamic boarding schools feel called to remind the public that peaceful elections are people’s parties, elections are not war, but parties that people have to be happy with without hostility. Religion is also considered to have an important role in maintaining security stability ahead of the election. This is because religion is often used as a tool for political interests and radicalism. Of course it will be very detrimental, the spirit of unity must be broken because of the interference from radical organizations.

  • The author is a Socio-cultural Observer
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