Sharing Economy Phenomenon in Indonesia

Sharing economy development

By: Rega Feriansyah *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – The development of information technology such as the Internet raises innovation in various fields. Innovation gives at least two influences on the market. First, innovation is able to bring a new product in the market which is becoming a trend and changing demand. Secondly, innovation can also change an industry and give birth to a previously unknown market (disruptive marketing). Internet and technology is precisely what gave birth to the phenomenon of sharing economy.

The phenomenon of emerging online marketplace, motorcycles online, online taxi and others – others are examples of the sharing economy phenomenon in Indonesia. The emergence of online market place make every seller and the buyer more easily trade without any barriers or time boundaries. While making their online transport passengers to easily open the app and search for the appropriate transportation and transport owners are also not difficult to find passengers. The driver does not need to stay in a certain place or circling looking for passengers who certainly spent fuel. Waiting vehicle / passenger certainly cause its own costs. In this case, the concept of sharing economy can minimize costs – the cost of unnecessary so that the price of the goods or services offered to be cheap

However, many emerging perception that this phenomenon applying the “predatory pricing” making the market becomes unstable and interfere with existing businesses. It becomes natural because we are always taught that in business it must buy and master the principles of the owning or economy, so that everything becomes expensive. Owning economy itself is a form of capitalism that makes people do the accumulation of capital, property rights of individuals “who do not want to share” equitably to effect control of strategic assets.

When sharing economy into an economic phenomenon that is prevalent, that will happen deflation because prices will go down, the tourism boom in the number of unexpected because a lot of choices to stay cheap, assets belonging to people who are unemployed to be productive, and damage to nature is more awake ,
Conversely, he also creates negative impacts: Unemployment for those who did not pass the natural selection (competition) with the business of this new model, the losses of the business sectors conventional consumers shifting (shifting), and criminalization by law enforcement or policymakers late set.

Countries now have two choices. First, stay alive in owning economy, with the risk of this huge market into an illegal economy, with operator control from outside Indonesia. Second, legalize the sharing economy and encourage the actors long to adjust.
The phenomenon of sharing this economy should be seen as a positive thing by the government and society. Because of course, with this method, the public as consumers will benefit. In addition manufacturers can also reduce costs that are not necessary. So, do not let this development is considered as a threat. [RF]

*) CIDISS Contributor

Economyeconomy innovationEconomy Sharing Phenomenonindonesia
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