Simplification of Bureaucracy Improves Public Services

Simplification of Bureaucracy Improves Public Services

By: Oji Saptaji) *

President Joko Widodo in his second period committed to simplifying the bureaucracy. This step should be carried out along with the long bureaucratic chain that often impedes public services.

Imagine if there is an institution or institution with many doors, then to get a certificate, then not only one door is passed, if there is a wrong document then it must be revised after being revised, there are still other doors, Maybe that’s like a brief overview related with the bureaucracy in the government.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo emphasized that in the government he was running in his second period there could not be any kind of delay. He wants acceleration in everything. If it can be finished with 2 doors, why do you have to reach 5 doors.

To accelerate the simplification of the bureaucracy the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) encourages all leaders of government agencies to carry out strategic and concrete steps.

This was stated in the Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of PAN-RB number 384, 390 and 391 of 2019 addressed to the Minister of the Advanced Indonesian Cabinet, the Governor, and the City Walis and Regents on strategic and concrete steps for simplifying the bureaucracy.

We should support this bureaucratic simplification plan because it aims to support the performance of government services to the public and can also accelerate decision making by policy makers.

That is, the path to be taken becomes more concise so that the decisions taken can be more straightforward, quick and straightforward.

Fatty and bureaucratic bureaucracies naturally tend to be wasteful and corrupt. More than that, it is precisely the obesity of a bureaucracy that can make it difficult for investment to be predicted to boost economic growth. Major plans for expansion of export performance are also hampered.

Fatty bureaucracy can be likened to a fat person who participates in a sprint race, of course the performance will be different from the person who has an ideal body. So that in order to run faster, then streamlining the body should be done.

Explicitly echelonization has killed innovation and creativity of millennials who have just been accepted as civil servants. There is absolutely no room in the bureaucracy that allows millennial to be creative, let alone surpass its superiors from the colonialists.

Therefore, simplification / trimming of the bureaucracy becomes a necessity if it is consistent in implementing Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus (ASN). In it, bureaucratic echelonization is no longer used.

the government still has to continue to organize in various fields in the bureaucracy. Such as regulatory structuring, structural reform, cultural transformation and digital-based governance.

Of course, one of the challenges that will be faced in the process of change is changing the mindset and work culture. Of course there are things that need to be prepared such as good occupation in an effort to form a superior workforce.

Simplification of the Bureaucracy is certainly something important, so that matters relating to correspondence including the filing of licenses can be faster and not be convoluted until it can reach four months. If it can be accelerated why not?

Previously, Minister of Research on Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Mohammad Nasir said inter-agency coordination had been a serious problem in the development of innovation. This is one of the reasons is because there is a sectoral ego between institutions.

Eko Prasodjo as Chair of the TI-RBN once explained that the work program carried out by TI-RBN during the period 2015 to 2019. Among other things, improvement of the CPNS recruitment system, the implementation of good performance management, achievement of organizational goals and objectives to be more efficient and effective through the Government Agency Performance Accountability system (SAKIP).

As well as encouraging the birth of various public service innovations in the Ministry / Lembega and Local Government, Institutional Structuring by reducing 23 LNS in 2017 and PTSP Services at the central and regional levels were perfected to become an Online Single Submission (OSS) Service.

Eko Prasodjo also added with recommendations to the Vice President for further bureaucratic reforms. These recommendations include strengthening bureaucratic reform both at the central and regional levels.

Simplification of the Bureaucracy is a government strategy in accelerating development acceleration, currently technological developments are so fast, lest the bureaucracy slow down and then reduce the passion for investment in Indonesia.

) * The author is a social political observer

BureaucracyBureaucratic SimplificationInvestmentPublic
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