*)Andre Zulkfikar
Social media has a great influence in the way of living of the Indonesians. The use of social media in Indonesia is always increasing day by day. Currently, about 73.7 million people of Indonesia, who participately active in social media on Facebook WhatsApp and Twitter. The influence of social media posts can spread rapidly. Each account can be such a source of the news, each account also can be a source of abuzz or media slanders. Given the ease of social media sometimes makes us forget about the limits of the informationthat we shared or the packaging of the information that we are provided. So that the influence of social media for the Indonesian people tends to be negative. Social media has removed the restrictions on socializing. In social media there is no limit of space and time, they can communicate whenever and wherever they are. It is undeniable that social media has a great influence in people’s life.
Unfortunately, the culture of social media slander in Indonesia has mushroomed. Indonesian netizens are responsive to current issues. Many responses were aimed precisely not given any solution and less build. Based on th case that occurred recently, the photographs of President Jokowi considered as an affectation. Jokowi’s visit to the community of Suku Anak Dalam in Jambi assessed as only an imaging and did not really occur. Even then there was a comparison about the photograph from the meeting so that if we are not careful tocomprehend such information then we will believe it. And many other cases occured when we were only assuming and verifying the information without knowing the truth.
The large number of social media users should be able to make positive movement. We are as Indonesia netizens give the positive knowledge among others. Society is now more likely to follow the trends and issues in social media. This social movement will certainly provide education quickly, accurately and more communicative to many people. More and more people are giving positive values in social media, social media will shape the good culture of Indonesia as well. The positive culture from social media is certainly going to encourage the Indonesia’s Nation to be a nation that always think positive, intelligent and wise to circulate the information in cyberspace.
*) Author is a sosial observer