Social Media Not To Divide Nation

Social Media Not To Divide Nation

By: Kurniawan Prasetio )*

Hoax became one of the separatist propaganda groups to spread provocations that betrayed the noble spirit of the Indonesian people. Not only that, hoaxes can even create divisions among nations that can disrupt the unity and integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Hoax has spread and caused unrest in the community. Even many families are out of harmony, the friendship broke up, and riots occurred in various regions due to hoax news. Therefore, social media should be used for things that are synergistic and educative, do not divide each other.

As is known, currently the Indonesian nation is facing various kinds of threats. The Indonesian nation was also tested for its determination as a nation with the motto Unity in Diversity. That condition is exploited, those who want to destroy the peace of Indonesia, by making hoax news, both in the mass media, and social media. Ironically, Indonesian people are still vulnerable in the face of this hoax attack.

The anti-hoax movement and the spirit of literacy need to be encouraged in various circles. This movement is more a moral movement to make people aware of how to respond to the presence of the media and social media to be used positively. Furthermore, it teaches and invites the public to understand the dangers of spreading hoax in terms of law, religion, decency, and politeness.

At the grassroots level in order to massively carry out education, literacy, socialization, and friendship with various educational institutions, mass organizations, interfaith leaders, professions, culture, education. Between groups of literacy activists need to synergize the strengths of various regions to jointly become a driving force as an anti-hoax ambassador.

In addition, the Government has actually voiced anticipation for this hoax. Various stakeholders have socialized the dangers of hoaxes from the legal side because in Indonesia there is already a Criminal Code about slander and sedition, as well as Article 28 of ITE Law concerning spreading misleading false news. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics has also synergized to provide input to other ministries / institutions regarding weaknesses that must be corrected.

This hoax is spread because of the many anonymous accounts. The government must have the courage to pressure social media providers such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, to seriously deal with misleading content. As in Germany, there is already a bill to finalize hoax news on social media with a threat of a fine of Rp. 7 billion.

The Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Religion are expected to collaborate to incorporate content on how to posed socially positively and avoiding hoaxes through the education curriculum. Both ministries have networks to schools and madrasas, and possibly networks to large preachers. Synergy with the NU, Muhammadiyah, and hobby communities is also needed to share this issue.

*) The writer is an activist of

DividehoaxNationSocial Media
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