Society Does Not Need To Panic Against Corona Virus

By: Eduardus Gunadi )*

The Indonesian government officially announced 2 Indonesian citizens who were in Indonesia positively exposed to the Corona Virus. Nevertheless, the Government has moved quickly to respond to the incident, so that the public is expected to not panic in responding to the case.

Corona Virus Emergency is facing the world. The numbers continue to grow. Today’s update is reported that the deadly virus from Wuhan City, Hubei Province in China has reached more than 30 countries and caused tens of thousands more people to be infected. The number of people who died reached thousands of people. This number can also be increasing day by day.

Indonesia also already has the first Corona virus case with 2 people, infected mothers and children after direct contact with Japanese citizens at an event.

News of the transmission of Indonesian citizens quickly became viral in various print, electronic and social media. The community panicked and took unnecessary precautions. In a situation like this there are persons who are not responsible for utilizing momentum by stacking masks and then selling them at a much higher price

The panic that occurred in the midst of society could not be separated from the hoax information that was circulating massively on social media. The hoax information was made in such a way as to provoke public panic so that chaos would arise that would be difficult for the Government to overcome

The government is aware of and directly counter hoax information with information officially released through the Ministry of Health. It is expected that the wise community in capturing information so that what can be digested is information from official government sources

Of course not all information circulating is incorrect, because if you look closely at the Corona case is one form of environmental health disaster. One of the preventive mitigations is the cleanliness and preservation of the environment so that health information as well as environmental and personal hygiene is a true guide and can be followed.

From the government side, Corona virus cases have been handled professionally and according to WHO standards so that it is hoped that the public will not need to be afraid and anxious to carry out daily activities.

)* The author is a social political observer

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