Stop Licensing Organizations that Like to screw up

Stop Licensing Organizations that Like to screw up

By: Muhammad Zaky )*

The excitement related to the end of the licensing of FPI Islamic Defenders Front organizations increasingly louder voiced in various media including social media, indeed there are pros and cons in the community, whether it is necessary to extend permits or not need to be extended, although there are only a few pro voices to be extended, while the wider community is more tend to stop operating permits, but the voice of a handful of people is loud, especially the media certainly accommodate the voices that are pro to FPI to express their opinions.

This is not because without reason, because confrontational news is something that is considered sexy to be engaged and it is common knowledge that news that tends to be “hot” is better to go up on the screen.

FPI’s actions so far have been felt by the community more disturbing than their benefits, the element of violence is often a characteristic that is put forward in a variety of activities, so it does not reflect the nuances and teachings of Islam that Rahmatan Lil Alamin, the community is often made uneasy by the actions of FPI, including when the show sense in public places, not only rude actions that are always put forward, but oral language when the discussion in the mass media and when the demonstration is more intimidating, not then invite to preach with a conducive atmosphere and full of peaceful nuances.

With the umbrella of the name of Islam and the guise of religious organizations, but in reality the activities of these organizations widened into the act of persecution, for example ahead of the month of Ramadan, they tend to play their own judges by conducting Raids at nightclubs and in liquor stores, under the pretext of enforcement Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar, they are damaging, burning and even have the heart to persecute stall owners and visitors of night entertainment.

Therefore, the state and the people so far have not benefited from the existence of FPI, precisely what is felt by the community is the fear of its activities, besides the act of persecution is clearly contrary to the principle of Unity in Diversity, thus clearly the government should consider carefully not to extend permit to establish FPI.

Of course the government does not need to hesitate to freeze these organizations, the sooner it is frozen, the better, in addition to tarnishing Islam with its activities, FPI also often causes chaos and chaos in the community as well as its activities are very contrary to Pancasila, therefore, FPI is not wrong if it is an acronym from the Indonesian Pengacau Front.

Beginning in March 2019, 11 FPI members deliberately screwed up the 93rd Nahdlatul Ulama Harlah in Tebing Tinggi. From the results of the examinations the FPI members admitted spontaneously making a row in the 93rd NU Harlah event.

From this case, we can guess that FPI is not only making noise against groups of different religions, even with fellow Muslims they are still rioting and anarchic.

Even though we all know that NU is a mass organization that is older than FPI and even NU is older than Indonesia.

The annoying thing done by FPI is the crossing of the red and white flag when carrying out an action in front of the National Police Headquarters, Kebayoran Baru in 2017, it certainly hurts national values.

FPI clearly has a track record in tarnishing the dignity of the nation, don’t they know that the red and white witnessed mute Arek Suroboyo resistance when he succeeded in tearing the blue color on the Dutch flag during the incident at the Orange hotel.

Don’t they realize that Democracy and Pancasila are final in Indonesia, so that anyone who lives and claims to be an Indonesian citizen, then it is appropriate to use Pancasila as an ideology, not another.

)* The author is a social political observer

LicensingOrganizationscrew upStop
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