Sultra’s Logistic Agency : We Need To Prove It First

Sultra’s Logistic Agency : We Need To Prove It First..

By: Saiful*

Logistics Agency (Bulog) Regional Division (Division) of Southeast Sulawesi (Sulawesi) can not ensure the accuracy of information about the distribution of rice synthetic plastic raw material circulating in the community, including allegations of trafficking in the region of Southeast Sulawesi.

Head of Bulog Kadivre Sultra Ramli Hasan stated, not yet aware of any such distribution of rice in the region of Southeast Sulawesi. He requested that proved first.

“Did anyone ever seen. Do not just hear from the people, there must be information and evidence that we immediately go’s review what kind of rice that. Because I just knew that if there is a plastic rice,” said Ramli in his office, last Thursday.

Circulation of synthetic rice became widely conversation after the discovery of suspected rice mixed with plastic in Bekasi, West Java. Rice is thought to originate from China.

*) The Author Is Sulawesi Egional Contributor


Sultra's Logistic Agency
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