Support Investigation of FPI Fund Flow

Support Investigation of FPI Fund Flow

By: Fahrur Rozi) *
The Financial Transaction Analysis Reporting Center (PPATK) reported that there were allegations of illegal acts being used in the accounts of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). The community also supports law enforcers to thoroughly investigate these findings in order to find the intellectual actors behind FPI.
Attorney for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Azis Yanuar Confirmed the flow of funds from abroad to FPI’s accounts. However, the money was not used for funding acts of terrorism, but for humanitarian action.
According to Aziz, FPI has been trusted by many people, even people abroad to accommodate and distribute humanitarian aid in Indonesia.
Aziz explained, apart from receiving assistance, FPI also often sends aid to other countries that are in trouble or are hit by disaster.
For example in Palestine, also towards relatives in Myanmar. On this matter, he asked anyone who accused the money in the FPI account as part of terrorism to have their psychology checked.
Meanwhile, Former Democratic Party politician Ferdinand Hutahaean highlighted the statement of FPI attorney Azis Yanuar regarding the flow of funds from FPI’s accounts abroad.
Ferdinan considered that Azis’ statement stating that the funds were used for humanity, not terrorism funding, was only a one-sided claim. Moreover, so far FPI has committed acts of violence and intolerance which have tended to be seen as humanitarian acts.
He emphasized that for normal humans, these actions were not humanitarian acts but acts against the law. So that from this alone there is a difference between facts.
However, Ferdinand believes that everything will be open after the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) has completed its investigation.
Likewise with regard to the alleged funding of terrorism and sources of funds from terrorism affiliated groups or parties will later be disclosed.
Ferdinand also replied to Azis’s statement, “It is precisely those who have to be psychologically checked are people who feel acts of intolerance are acts of humanity.” This, of course, is a logical fallacy.
On a different occasion the Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) Dian Ediana Rae stated that several accounts belonging to FPI and its affiliates were indicated to be related to legal violations.
This was discovered after PPATK coordinated with the police in responding to the results of the analysis of 92 blocked accounts of FPI and its affiliates.
For information, PPATK is the party that has the authority to analyze FPI accounts that are temporarily blocked. The PPATK has also completed the analysis process and the results are submitted to police investigators.
According to Dian, the PPATK will continue to support police investigators in investigating alleged violations of the law from the accounts of FPI and its affiliates.
Police Headquarters Divhumas Police Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono said the title of the FPI account case was not only carried out by Bareskrim investigators, but also involved the Densus 88 Anti-terror team.
The one-star general explained the title of the case which aims to equalize perceptions between PPATK and Police investigators on several accounts related to FPI.
The former Kapolrestabes Makassar added that the 92 accounts analyzed by PPATK were found in 18 banks in Indonesia.
However, Brigadier General Rusdi was reluctant to mention how much money was in the account.
Meanwhile, a British citizen named Tanzeen Miriam Sailar was arrested by the police. Tanzeen was arrested at the Jakarta Detention Center and is currently being questioned by officers.
Head of the National Police Divhumas Headquarters, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, said Tanzeen was arrested together with the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Ahmad Ramadhan said that she was the wife of an Indonesian citizen named Asep Ahmad Setiawan alias Abu Ahmad who was a member of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist network.
However, Tanzeen’s husband died after joining the fighting in Syria in 2014.
Apart from being suspected of being linked to a terrorist network, Tanzeen was also investigated because there was a connection with the flow of funds in the FPI and its affiliates’ accounts.
The statement was conveyed by the Executive Director of the Indonesian Moderate Network Islah Bahrawi. According to him, funding in radical, extreme and terrorism movements in Indonesia has always been a problem, because when digital tracing gets tighter, terrorist groups use non-digital channels for transactions.
Islah also reminded, where recently there was a finding of money from a charity box that was used to fund terrorist activities.
The flow of funds to FPI must of course be thoroughly investigated, lest there be an incident like the Arab Spring which destroys several countries in the Middle East, because it is suspected that there is a flow of foreign funds and the involvement of western countries in an effort to destroy several Arab countries led by people who are judged totalitarian.

) * The author is a citizen living in Semarang

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