Support the Election Results, Let’s Knit Back National Unity Towards the Success of Indonesian Development

By: Rahmat Firdaus (Conten Creator / Student of the Jakarta National Polytechnic)

Elections are not just the usual five-year cycle. Elections are a means to find leaders who truly care about the people of Indonesia. The output is to create a country that is not only advanced, but also peaceful, peaceful, far from conflict and enmity.

Therefore, being prepared to lose and be ready to win is an important thing that needs to be instilled in every momentum of the general election. Usually people will always be ready to win, but rarely are they ready to accept defeat and continue to be an obstacle for those who win. At this time it is no longer possible because the nation needs togetherness in building and facing all challenges both from within and from outside. Options may be different but unity in building the nation must take precedence.

Because if it remains an obstacle because of a defeat in a pollitic contestation, then this will be a gap for unscrupulous individuals who want to destroy Indonesia. This fact often results in social conflicts that can damage harmony and unity that have been built from the time of independence.

What the public must understand is that excessive fanaticism and not accepting defeat is the beginning of calamity in every election event. The attitude of not accepting defeat can lead to hatred that can make someone dare to take actions that threaten the peace and integrity of the community and this is vulnerable to being occupied by outside elements who often look for opportunities to transform Indonesia into a form that no longer matches the ideals of the founding fathers.

The slogan of the dead NKRI should not just be a national slogan shouted out loud. NKRI is a commitment that cannot be exchanged for anything. Not only because of the 2019 General Election mat the community becomes fragmented on one identity selfishness.

Despite different political choices, we are still a nation. The Indonesian nation is a nation that merges one in many differences. A nation that loves, loves, and protects fellow humans, not fellow groups. Therefore we all need a high national sensitivity to continue to be called to care for unity.

The 2019 election is an agenda of democracy that has just been implemented which merges the common goal in an effort to build a prosperous life. Therefore, the meaning of the general election as an adhesive and unifying the nation should be inherent in the thinking of the Indonesian people not to be in a sheepfight and in a split, it is appropriate that we must be strained to the basic values ​​of Pancasila not as a guideline for the nation.

Do not let us categorize the sacred meaning of the 2019 election with excessive sentiment and hatred for a political choice that triggers social conflict that threatens our diversity as a united entity. The 2019 election is a sacred mandate of democracy that expects the people of Indonesia to become a permanent one and not divided nation.

What we all need to understand is that victory and defeat are part of the dynamics of democracy that must be accepted and lived with. We all hope that the elected leaders will truly carry out what is mandated by the people, namely being able to prosper and maintain the peace of the NKRI. Not ambitious to enrich themselves and prioritize the interests of the Indonesian people. Mari, we mean that the victory in the 2019 Election is the victory of the Indonesian people all.

Do not let our nationality break up just because it is caused by the political partner we are losing. Once the cordial relationship is cut off, there is no election. For that, let’s join the ranks together because elections are a victory for the people, let’s knit back the unity of the nation for a glorious Indonesia so that we become a respected nation. Let’s support the results. Elections are peaceful and dignified.

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