Tasikmalaya City Police precinct Deradicalization for the Napiter Family

By: Ajeng Mufadillah

The Tasikmalaya City Resort Police are intensifying the de-radicalization program for families of terrorism prisoners (Napiter) to decide radical networks in their jurisdiction. The Polres and the City Government of Tasikmalaya also plan to provide housing for the Napiter family.

This was conveyed by Tasikmalaya City Police Chief Febry Kurniawan Ma’ruf that deradicition was held by cooperating with the TNI and the government. The program targeted the Napiter family who lived in the Tasikmalaya area to prevent the spread of radical ideas spread to them. The program, continued Febry, began by facilitating the delivery and pick-up of the family when visiting the Napiter to the Cipinang Correctional Institution.

At that time, there were dozens of family members from eight Napitans who received the shuttle facilities. The approach was also carried out by the Bhayangkara Corps with the City Government to provide business assistance for the Napiter family. Febry said, because indeed the family that was abandoned (Napiter) was indeed when they did not have business livelihood, of course this needed help so that the skills they had could be facilitated.

Assistance and coaching are also carried out by involving religious leaders. Febry hopes that the program will run better in 2019, when there are those who come out, now we will embrace it so that they can socialize with their communities and be influenced by the chain of the spread of radicalism.

Deradicalization was carried out because the number of Napiter from Tasikmalaya was significant. In the period of 2018, around 15 residents of Tasikmalaya were dragged down by terrorism cases. They are allegedly related to terror efforts inside and outside of Tasikmalaya. He said, mostly in the JAD network (Jamaah Ansharut Daulah).

As Indonesian citizens, we must fully support the de-radicalization program.To the territorial apparatus also play a role in minimizing (the spread of radicalism), such as monitoring, for example there are community matters, citizens who start out of the habitual path, from religious life and so.

DeradicalizationNapiter FamilyTasikmalaya City Police
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