Tax Amnesty Regulation in Indonesia

Tax amnesty di Indonesia
Tax amnesty di Indonesia

By: Rega Feriansyah *)

Bill (the Bill) Forgiveness Tax or Tax Amnesty is currently being discussed by Parliament and the government. However, the government’s plan and the House of Representatives to discuss the tax amnesty clause in the bill alias tax amnesty National Forgiveness criticism from a number of NGOs, especially from the mining sector. Because the candidates it felt unjust policy and would lead to legal uncertainty.

Tax amnesty policy is considered to be favored by the conglomerates perpetrators of economic crimes, regardless of the origin of someone’s property or business entities that pay taxes in arrears. However, this tax amnesty should exclude some crimes that can not be accepted by society. As if the funds used for the purpose of financing terrorism, corruption, drug-related, related to smuggling.

Foreign interests through its affiliated companies will be affected due to the large tax amnesty policy. As a result, the debate and the rejection of the policy is quite large in Boost politicians and NGOs. The rejection action through a number of NGOs and politicians who want funds remain stored on the citizen “save haven countries” and do not want thousands of trillions of these funds back into the country to finance national development.

Efforts to thwart the interests of foreign investors deliberations Forgiveness Tax (tax amnesty) has been heightened ahead of the discussion of the bill in the House. Foreign NGOs that utilized not want tax amnesty applied in Indonesia, for fear of liquidity in the country sucked. So keep campaigning denial of tax amnesty. NGOs should not be stuck controversial tax amnesty mutually beneficial and detrimental to the interests of other states of the nation.

Behind such concerns, the implementation of tax amnesty can provide a series of impacts to the economy. application of the tax amnesty will have an impact on tax revenues and capital inflows or capital inflows. While the potential total tax revenue from the tax amnesty amounting to Rp 45.7 trilion.dan potential repatriation of proceeds of Rp 560 trillion

Discourse tax amnesty is already 10 months rolling. If no clear certainty, overseas funds that have been willing to go in Indonesia, could potentially be lost back. So there needs to be support from all parties to make tax amnesty to benefit the interests of the nation and the state.

*) CIDISS Contributor

AmnestyForgiveness TaxindonesiaRegulationTax
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