The community is waiting for the Omnibus Law on Job Creation

The community is waiting for the Omnibus Law on Job Creation

By: Dhimas Anggoro )*

The Draft Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja is supported by many levels of society so that it will be immediately passed into law. They already understand that the presence of this bill brings fresh air to improve financial conditions in Indonesia. The Job Creation Omnibus Law Bill is not only beneficial for employers, but also for employees.

The Work Creation Omnibus Law Bill is a phenomenal bill because it has not been formalized, but has already invited pros and cons in the community. Many parties are afraid that the labor law will be changed with this bill. Even though the labor regulations have not been 100% changed, they are even further improved by the Omnibus Law Bill on the Job Creation cluster.

One of the articles in the bill protecting workers is article 153 which states that employers are prohibited from laying off workers if they are disabled, sick due to work accidents, or sick due to work relationships. So, this bill actually benefits workers, not detrimental. It is better if workers read the complete draft in order to understand its contents.

If indeed the company’s financial condition lies down due to the corona effect and is forced to lay off workers, then they have the right to get guaranteed job loss. The security deposit excludes severance pay. As well as getting money, workers also receive training to improve their skills, so they don’t seem like the company just throws them away.

The Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill also changes the city minimum wage to become the provincial minimum wage. The workers do not need to be afraid that their salary will drop drastically, because the governor will manage it well. The uniformity of minimum wages in 1 province is no longer confusing. In addition, workers are also strictly prohibited from being paid below the minimum wage.

This bill also benefits entrepreneurs because the license to start a new business is easier. UMKM are given fee waivers, even get intensive and the granting of permits is free. Many small businesses have sprung up and the economy will recover. The government is very concerned about UMKM entrepreneurs because they can absorb a lot of labor.

The investment cluster Omnibus Law draft also mentions facilitated investment rules. Apart from that, the processing of a halal permit for a business is also made easier. This can attract many investors, especially from among the Arabian peninsula. They believe they can succeed in investing in Indonesia, because the government is very aware of the halal permit for a product.

If new investors emerge, from within and outside the country, the business world in Indonesia will be even more dynamic. There will be development with foreign capital and keep Indonesia from recession. Because economic growth will increase.

Indonesia will be known as a developed country because it has many investment projects. The trust of foreigners will increase and they want to travel in Indonesia, because apart from having a unique culture, it is considered safe and modern.

The Omnibus Law Bill does regulate labor and investment clusters. Minister Mahfud MD also received input from workers regarding the contents of the draft bill. The president of the Indonesian trade union committee, Said Iqbal, also wanted to participate in this event because workers were given space to discuss articles on the work copyright omnibus law.

So it is hoped that workers and employers will not be negative thinking in facing the plan to ratify the Omnibus Law Bill. Because the government has considered it very carefully, so that all parties benefit. The draft has also been widely distributed on the internet, thus demonstrating the principle of openness.

The Omnibus Law Bill should be supported so that it is immediately passed by the government. If it is officially a law, the labor law will be further improved. Workers will get their rights and are prevented from being laid off if they get sick due to work accidents. MSME entrepreneurs also benefit because the government makes new business licenses easier.

)* The author is active in the Cikini Press and Student Circle

communityCreationJobOmnibus Law
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