The Community Must Obey Health Protocols in the New Normal Era

The Community Must Obey Health Protocols in the New Normal Era

By: Dodik Prasetyo) *

The new era of normalcy makes people’s lives seem to rise again. Many public places such as markets, shopping centers, and offices are reopened, of course, in compliance with the health protocol. The goal is to keep the community hygienic and avoid Corona when doing activities outside the home.

Although still in the co-19 pandemic, the new normal era is a new hope for the people. They can work again outside the home and also can shop again in the market. This condition certainly makes everyone happy because they were very bored because they were confined to their own homes when staying at home. Ice cream sellers, small food vendors, and shop owners will also be happy to get more customers after the streets are no longer deserted.

But the opening of this new normal should not be a euphoria that ends in disaster. The proof, there are 19 markets in DKI Jakarta that were opened and then forced to close again (temporarily), such as Slipi, Cijantung, Rawasari, and others. This market closure occurred because there were traders who were infected with the covid-19 virus. It is known from the results of rapid tests that are often carried out by the government.

If the market is closed, the loss will be other traders who are not hit by Corona, but are forced to not be able to sell. Therefore, all sellers in the market are required to wear masks and should provide hand sanitizer bottles in their stalls.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan also explained the rule that in the market, the stalls of traders are numbered so there is a turn to open. Kiosk with odd number may sell on odd date, while even numbered reverse. Market visitors are also required to wear masks and check their body temperature. In the market also the flow of buyers may only be unidirectional.

Why are there still cases like this? Of course because of the lack of discipline in obeying the health protocol in the new normal era. The new normal phase does not mean back to normal because we are still required to wear masks and keep hands and other body parts clean. Also comply with physical distancing rules, at least 1 meter.

To obey the rules of distance, then in supermarkets and other shopping centers are given a rule the maximum number of buyers who can enter. So in it there is no crowd. In addition to having to queue to enter, all consumers must wash their hands with running water and antiseptic soap, as well as check their body temperature. If his body shows a temperature above 38 degrees Celsius, he may not go inside. When shopping also prioritizes non-cash transactions (using a debit card, credit card, or digital wallet). So minimizing Corona transmission through droplets attached to banknotes.

In the new normal era, people have also begun to be allowed to travel again out of town. Of course with many requirements and must comply with the health protocol. Among them must bring the results of health tests (for example swab tests at the hospital), wearing cloth masks, carrying hand sanitizers, and bringing assignments from the office (if any). Inside the bus or train also have to keep their distance and may not sit on the seat marked X. Therefore, the ticket is also slightly raised, because the number of passengers transported is also reduced.

The people should still obey the health protocol in the new normal era. Must not be negligent and take off the mask just like that, because the situation is not 100 percent safe. The community is also expected to maintain hygiene and immunity, so as not to be easily infected with the covid-19 virus. If everyone is disciplined and obeys the health protocol, Corona’s disease will completely disappear from Indonesia.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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