The Community Supports Covid-19 Handling in Indonesia

The Community Supports Covid-19 Handling in Indonesia

By: Raavi Ramadhan )*

The Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing and there are no signs when it will end. The community also fully supports the policy of handling Covid-19 so that it can be immediately controlled and the economic recovery can take place.

Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) as well as Chair of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo ensures that the central and regional governments are compact in handling Covid-19.

Doni’s statement also answered the issue of a number of economic sector ministers who criticized the Jakarta Provincial Government’s decision to set large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) as at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Doni emphasized that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has never withdrawn the implementation of the PSBB since it was first implemented.

Therefore, its status until now is that the capital is still implementing PSBB in order to reduce the number of transmission.

Doni also admitted that the hospital that handled Covid-19 patients in Jakarta was almost full. However, according to him, this should not cause panic.

He said that people with low immunity will easily be exposed to Covid-19 because their immune system is lacking, so we have to work together, and help each other provide encouraging information.

On different occasions, the task force (task force) for handling covid-19 together with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy provided three-star hotel support for doctors, health workers and independent isolation rooms for covid-19 patients.

This step is of course in accordance with President Joko Widodo’s direction to anticipate a spike in Covid-19 cases in a number of regions. Hotel support is also given because independent isolation at home is not possible. This is because positive cases from the family cluster have also increased.

Support for self-isolation will be carried out in 9 provinces with a high increase in positive cases in recent weeks. The nine provinces include DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, North Sumatra, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Papua and Bali.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Wishnutama Kusubandio said the use of the hotel was held in collaboration with the Indonesian Hotels and Restaurant Association (PHRI) which also aims to support the capacity of the Covid-19 Emergency Hospital in each region.

Wishnu said, Kemenparekraf is collaborating with the ministry of health (KEMENKES) to support all readiness starting from health personnel, facilities and infrastructure for the implementation and utilization of the hotel.

Kemenparekraf has also prepared funds of Rp. 100 billion and will be used to meet all the facilities needed with a capacity of 14 thousand patients during 14 days of self-isolation, which will start next week.

Wishu added, the hotel which is the place of isolation must meet the terms and conditions that have been set. Related hotels are also prohibited from receiving guests as long as the facilities are used to accommodate patients. This aims to avoid the emergence of the covid-19 transmission cluster.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also opens opportunities for other hotels in Indonesia to jointly support the government in handling Covid-19. Wishnutama also emphasized that hotels wishing to join must meet the terms and conditions set out by the Ministry of Health.

Meanwhile, people who want to use the hotel facilities as an independent isolation place are obliged to obtain a permit or referral letter from the local puskesmas.

On different occasions, Commission IX of the DPR RI urged the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and national economic recovery (PEN) to make a grand design for the development of the Covid-19 vaccine, including development infrastructure needs, budget needs and vaccination plans.

Deputy Chairman of Commission IX of the Indonesian Parliament Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena said that his party encouraged the Covid-19 and PEN Management Committee to carry out 3 priority programs in a holistic and integrated manner. Namely Healthy Indonesia, Working Indonesia and Growing Indonesia, including a balanced budget allocation for handling in the health sector and the economic sector.

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko appreciated the Performance of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19 and fully supported the Task Force’s continued efforts to control the corona virus pandemic in Indonesia.

Moeldoko said the KSP would provide masks and gloves to the Task Force so that it could ease efforts in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. KSP has received donations from PT Arista Latindo in the amount of one mask and one million gloves to be distributed to various agencies.

Handling Covid-19 in Indonesia certainly needs support from the community. This immediately means that the Indonesian people can be free from the entanglement of the covid-19 pandemic.

)* The author is a student at Pakuan Bogor University

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