The Community Supports Jokowi-Ma’ruf’s Government

By: Muhammad Ilham )*

The inauguration of the President and Vice President is just a matter of days. Even with the support of the Jokowi-Maruf government program has begun to emerge.

Not only highlighting the inauguration which is just counting the days, now a number of parties have provided support for the Jokowi-Maruf government program. Although it is not an easy matter before the inauguration, accompanied by events for the sake of events that require patience as well as extra handling. Jokowi is considered capable of overcoming problems per problem that is currently sweeping the country. So that his leadership also cannot be underestimated.

In addition to waiting for the day of inauguration, talks about the Jokowi-Maruf government program began to be echoed. Reportedly, the program has 9 main points. These points are also suspected as an effort to create prosperity for all people in the Motherland. Which include the following; The first point is, Improving the Quality of Humans in Indonesia, the second with regard to a Productive, Independent and Competitive Economic Structure. The third point relates to equitable and equitable development. The fourth point, Achieve environmental goals that are sustainable.

Next fifth, is Advancing culture. which reflects the national personality. Sixth, namely the enforcement of a legal system that is free of corruption, dignified and trusted. Seventh, Protection for all nations and provide a sense of security as a whole. Clean, Effective and Reliable Governance Management as the eighth. Lastly, the ninth point is Regarding the synergy of the Regional Government in the Framework of the Unitary State.

From the above program, support came from a number of parties, one of them was Eddy Soeparno, as Secretary General of the National Mandate Party. He said, that the PAN supports the elected government of Jokowi-Ma’ruf in terms of policies as well as programs to be implemented. Even so, Eddy stressed that besides supporting his side, he would also continue to provide constructive criticism on each of his policies. So that it will be able to realize Indonesia better.

Apart from the PAN Party, support came from the Crescent Star Party (PBB). He stated his support for the Government of Joko Widodo and KH Ma’ruf Amin in his leadership to the Indonesian people for the next five years. Reportedly, the support was read out by all the administrators of the UN Central Party Leadership Council. As well as including 34 DPW leaders (Regional Leadership Councils) throughout Indonesia. Precisely in the United Nations 5th conference activity in the province of Bangka Belitung.

It is suspected that this party is a coalition party, since the Presidential Election will be held. This was stated by Yusril Ihza Mahendra as the Chair of the United Nations, which officially supports the Jokowi-Ma’ruf pair. Furthermore, Yusril hoped that the United Nations would be able to provide a middle ground and a solution to every problem faced by the Republic of Indonesia.

Similar support came from Afriansyah Noor as the UN Secretary General. Which also read out the contents of support for Jokowi – Ma’ruf’s administration, and was attended by all DPP management and DPW Chairperson of the party. As reported the support contains several points, including; fully support during the administration of the President and Vice President to realize the vision of Indonesia politically and professionally in the next 5 years.

Secondly, they are ready to work together with the Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin government and to support the running of the government within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia. Third, with regard to the statement of the position of the United Nations (Crescent Star Party) is a responsibility to support without the aim of personal or organizational interests, except solely to create a prosperous country or “baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur”. Afriyansyah said that he had left this declaration to the Coordinating Minister of Politics and Security, who was present to hand it over directly to the President.

The interests of the people in a country are the top priority. In its relation is to realize prosperity in various sectors, which will create national stability, a sense of security and comfort in the survival of the state. As a principle of reciprocity, when the government provides the best service to us, it is better for us to also support the governance programs of the President and Vice President. Because this program is none other than for our welfare, the Indonesian people as a whole.

To the President and Vice President, hopefully in his administration the next 5 years will be able to realize these programs. So that the main goal in efforts to improve people’s welfare also brings Indonesia as a successful country will be realized.

)* The author is a social political observer

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