The Community Supports the Acceleration of the Discussion of the Omnibus Law Bill

By: Briana Julianti ) *

Various media are highlighting the development of the Omnibus Law which is predicted to be able to benefit many parties, especially employers and workers. The omnibus law policy which wants to unite more than 70 laws (Laws) is certainly appropriate and will assist Indonesia in increasing investment flows. The community also supports the ratification of the R Omnibus Law Act in order to encourage the development of the national economy .

Although there are skeptics about the Omnibus Law Bill, Indonesia can still use the omnibus law system. Even though the legislation forming legislation does not accommodate these provisions, in its application, it can use the concept of omnibus hybrid or quasi omnibus law.

              The basis for the application of the omnibus law in Indonesia is because of Presidential Regulation 87/2014, Article 44, which is written, ‘the authority is given to each ministry / institution to carry out planning and formulation of laws and regulations.

              Indonesia has also issued policies such as the omnibus law, namely RI MPR Decree Number I / MPR / 2003 concerning Review of Material and Legal Status of Provisional MPR Provisions and RI MPR Provisions in 1960 to 2002. Where its contents are regulating which MPR Tap is applicable and not applicable.

              This certainly becomes a strong foundation that the omnibus law is worth pursuing.

              Omnibus Law policy aims to create a reliable business world and the opening of employment and welfare of the workers. This is also supported by the fact that the country’s economy is believed to increase by around 7 percent.

              Through a variety of innovations the world of commerce will certainly open more business opportunities which can be utilized to reduce the number of unemployed young people. By suppressing the unemployment rate, it is certain that the welfare of citizens will increase.

              Finance Minister Sri Mulyani hopes that Omnibus Law can lure investors to enter the capital market. This is based on the many incentives that can be a stimulus for investors in the capital market later.

              With the existence of the omnibus law, the investment climate in Indonesia is expected to be better, the presence of investors in Indonesia will certainly strengthen the economy and impact on the absorption of new workers.

Moekti Prasetiani as Chief Economist Danareksa Research Institute explained, foreign investors are very concerned about issues related to employment to invest in Indonesia. Some of the issues of concern include issues relating to wages.

The implementation of the policy can also combine a number of rules into one law as a new legal umbrella related to investment licensing that will provide legal certainty to investors. Because it should be recognized, currently various regulations related to licensing have not been aligned, so it is hoped that the omnibus law can harmonize regulations related to licensing in Indonesia.

Senior economist from the Habibie Center Umar Juworo considered that the efforts made by the government as outlined in the Omnibus law bill were a form of welfare protection for workers / laborers in Indonesia.

              He stated that the bill aims to adjust labor regulations with investment and economic developments that are good for employers and also workers.

              Especially with the existence of a special scheme that will allow continued wages for workers who are laid off work.

              So that we don’t reject policies that have not been reviewed, of course there are discrediting news about the Omnibus Law Bill.

Previously, there was also a rumor that the Omnibus law bill made by the government was aimed at collusion with foreigners, especially China. That matter, was immediately denied by Mahfud MD as Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security.

Mahfud considered that the public certainly should not misjudge / interpret the Omnibus Law Bill which is now being deliberated by the government and the Parliament. Because, the omnibus law itself is made so that it can bring investment into the country.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution claims the application of the omnibus law or regulation which combines a number of rules into one law as a new legal umbrella related to investment licensing has entered its final stage. Now the application of the policy is just waiting to be approved by President Joko Widodo.

              Indeed, we must be critical in responding to something that might be new to Indonesia, but that does not mean we are consumed by various oblique issues which tend to discredit the government’s efforts in advancing the Indonesian nation.

) * The author is social political observer

#The Community Supports the Acceleration of the Discussion of the Omnibus Law Bill
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