The Concept of the Caliphate Contradicts with NKRI

The Concept of the Caliphate Contradicts with NKRI

By: Aldia Putra *

Katib Aam of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Board Yahya Cholil Staquf called the organization that aspires to the Caliphate, such as Hizb ut-Tahrir, no different from the international communist movement that wants a single regime in the world. According to him, the movement that aspires to the Caliphate is classified as a new idea that is being forced on the Islamic world.

“So they are the same as the international communist ideas that allow one communist regime to be one world,” said the man who is familiarly called Gus Yahya, on the sidelines of the National Ulema Conference and the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Conference, at the Miftahul Huda Al Islamic Boarding School – Azhar, Banjar City, West Java.

Gus Yahya said that ideologies and movements that bring ideas universally like khilafah only produce chaos and chaos throughout the world.

“It must be rejected and returned to the origin of religious values, namely mercy, humanity, and akhlaqul karimah,” he said, who is also a member of the Wantimpres.

Gus Yahya claimed that there was no command of Shari’a or arguments as the basis for the legitimacy of the existence of a country. According to him, it means that we can build the country for any legitimacy, including the concept of the nation-state.

NU has already had an attitude through the 1984 NU Khittah. That, NU decided to keep ukhuwah Islamiyah, wathoniyah, humanity and accept the NKRI based on the 1945 Constitution. It said there was no obligation for Muslims to implement a khilafah system that covers the whole world in a political system. He also asked Muslims all over the world to accept the existence of an independent and sovereign nation and not intervene in the affairs of other countries.

“We now Muslims all over the world must accept the existence of nations that exist as independent states, each sovereign and may not intervene in other countries,” he said.

On another occasion, KH Ma’ruf Amin, stressed that Indonesia as a country was formed on the basis of mitsaq or agreement. Each party, both Muslims and other parties, agreed to make Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution the foundation of the country.

“Is Mitsaq in the Qur’an? Yes, here. ‘If there are any of you and between them there are mitsaq, having a Muslim climate to side up peacefully. If you kill wrong – one of them then Muslims must pay a fine ‘, “said Ma’ruf Amin.

According to Mufuf, during the first formation, there were those who wanted Indonesia to become a secular state. Others want Indonesia to become an Islamic state. These different views can finally be put together through mutual agreement among the founding fathers of the nation. So, according to him, no one can replace the Indonesian state system.

“If khilafah in Indonesia is not allowed, because in Indonesia there is an agreement that the system of government in Indonesia is a republic. In addition to the republic, it should not be khilafah, kingdom. Everything is not allowed because it violates the agreement, “said Mufuf.

The candidate for Vice President number 01 also explained that the Islamic state does not necessarily have to use the Khilafah government system. He gave an example of Saudi Arabia, which in fact is an Islamic country using a royal system, Turkey also uses a democratic system such as Indonesia.

National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian revealed the impact of applying the ideology of the Khilafah Islamiyah applied in Indonesia. Tito said that the ideology would be a threat to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

“The ideology of the Caliphate is a threat to the NKRI because it does not parallel the Pancasila concept,” Tito said.

Tito explained, about 85 percent of Indonesian people are indeed Muslim. However, this does not mean that the concept of the Caliphate ideology is suitable to be applied in Indonesia.

“I have been the Regional Police Chief of Papua twice, in an area that has Christian people. Even in one area there was the first gospel city in Indonesia. Then, NTB, North Sulawesi, Maluku, too. Bali is also dominantly Hindu, “Tito said.

Tito predicts, these areas will not be willing if Indonesia applies the khilafah system.

“They will not be willing because once the khilafah system is created they will become a marginalized minority,” he said.

The former Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief pointed out that if the ideology was used, the NKRI would be divided. One by one the area will separate.

From some of the stories above, we can find out that the khilafah system in Indonesia will only make it worse in Indonesia, so that whenever the khilafah system will not be suitable for Indonesian countries that uphold diversity. So it is not a country per country, but a collection of countries which are made into one power, in one government with one leadership.

Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), has been fighting for khilafah in Indonesia for more than 20 years, calling it more than 50 countries that can be used as a leadership under the banner of khilafah. The HTI group is indeed persistent in fighting for khilafah. Although it has been dissolved, HTI continues to carry out demonstrations and participate in the bela umama action known as action 96. A Kiai once gave advice, where the direction of the movement from the Fundamental of HTI, then we chose the opponent.

The Khilafah is a system of government whose territory is not limited to one country, but many countries in the world, which are under one leadership with its legal basis is Islamic law.

* The author is an observer of Social and Politic

CaliphateContradictNahdlatul 'UlamaNKRI
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