By: Ahmad Sukri *)
Papua, CIDISS – The problems in Papua and West Papua is already familiar to the people of Indonesia. Lot happening violence that lead to human rights violations. Especially in the area of Puncak, Puncak Jaya and Lanny Jaya are known as “black triangle”. Those area are famous for a number of shootings that indicated committed by armed criminal groups (KKB). Lanny Jaya is controlled by Puron Wenda and Enden Wanimbo. Meanwhile Puncak Jaya is controlled by several groups, namely Goliath Tabuni and also group leader Lekagak Yambi, Tengahmati Telenggen and Kalenap Murib.
Many casualties, both from military or police forces and also from the civil society. Papua Police said that the area is tense and is regarded vulnerable since 2009. Papua Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Paul Waterpauw mention during the year 2009-2016, the number of deaths from violence and shootings in the area reached 111 lives and 229 people were injured, both from the security forces and civilians, with a total of 226 cases. Average violence and shootings occur 2-3 times per month. Not only casualties, number of weapons belongs to the las enforcement are also seized. Deprivation of these weapons has increased the level of threat in the region of the black triangle.
The last action is carried out by armed criminal groups Papua is on December 27, 2015 which caused casualties to the appropriation of firearms. At that time, seven Sinak police officers were resting and watching television in the living room. 5 Officers were killed on the spot and seven firearms along with hundreds of ammunition carried away by them. The suspect was Lekagak Telenggen group. Most probably these weapons was also used in the shooting of four employees of PT Modern Group to death in the village Agenggen, Sinak District, the Peak District, Papua Province. Though these employees doing the opening of the Trans Papua.
Based on these events, they did plunder of weapons to attack the security forces posts and hamper the development of infrastructure. It is detrimental to the people of Papua, which attacked four employees who were working to made way the development of Trans Papua. They were just people who are not guilty and helm the infrastructure development in Papua.Now Papua Police plan to create special law enforcement operations in three districts that is namely the black triangle. Operation is similar to the operation in Poso. Especially after the shooting in the district of Sinak that led four employees were shot dead by them. Papua Police Chief instruct to catch Lekagak Telenggen dead or alive.
Various effort had been made by the central and local governments in order to keep the safety and prosperity Papuans. They are part of the Homeland which must be defended and preserved. Papua and West Papua are a family and a part of the sovereignty of Indonesia, not to be solved due to the whim of an irresponsible group. [AS]
*) CIDISS Contributor