The corpse of KPPS members should not be politicized

The corpse of KPPS members should not be politicized

By: Ratna Galih *

Candidate for President number 02 Prabowo Subianto wants the death of hundreds of KPPS members to be investigated. He requested that the bodies of members of the Voting Contest Group (KPPS) be reviewed. He wanted the law enforcement officials to investigate the deaths of hundreds of KPPS members. The method is by medical examination of the body of the deceased.

            “It needs to be there, we feel that a post mortem or medical examination of KPPS officers – those officers who died,” said Prabowo.

            Until Tuesday, May 7, 2019, the KPU had stated that there were 456 KPPS members living in the world and 4,310 people were sick. This was highlighted by the spokesman for Ace Hasan’s National Campaign Team, where Ace advised anyone not to politicize the incident of the death of a number of KPPS members.

            “We cannot politicize the matter of their death. Unless the family asks for a further search. So we respect it, we pray for the victims to get a decent place by God, “Ace said.

            The politician from the Golkar Party faction said that the death of a number of KPPS officers needed an in-depth study. The reason, among the fallen victims, is likely to have a history of disease or it could be due to fatigue.

            “Well, it’s not just their eyes just hurt, there must be a history. Well, I think the dead KPPS officer had a history of illness, “he said.

            However, if the family of the deceased does not allow the post mortem to be carried out it is not necessary. He also asked the Prabowo – Sandiaga camp not to politicize the death of KPPS officers. This is in line with what has been done by the Minister of Health Nila F Moeloek, who said that her staff had explored the phenomenon of the many 2019 Election officers who died while carrying out their duties.

            The Ministry of Health has conducted a medical audit to find out what are the factors causing the death of KPPS officers. Nila said that for DKI Jakarta there were 18 KPPS officers who died and 2,641 officers were sick. Without the need for a surgical post mortem, Minister of Health Nila stated that of the 18 people who died, 8 died from myocardial infarction, sudden heart disease then heart failure, liver, respiratory failure stroke and brain infection meningitis.

            Nila also said that of the 18 electoral officers who died in Jakarta, most of them were elderly, namely two people over 70 years old, five people aged 60 – 69 years and eight people aged 50 – 59 years. On the other hand, the KPU also requested that the case of the death of KPPS members not be politicized.

            KPU commissioner Ilham Saputra said that this case could not be separated from the law which required elections to be carried out simultaneously. In previous years, elections were usually not held in conjunction with Pileg and Pilpres.

            “There are laws that instruct us to carry out simultaneous elections. Many people die because of workload. So don’t have to take it to politics, “said Ilham.

            He also said that in the future the case of the death of the KPPS officer would certainly not be ignored. According to him, the case must be an evaluation material for the next election.

            On different occasions a number of doctors who are members of the National Health Care Community highlighted the tragedy of hundreds of KPPS officers who died. The Community Representative from Bakta stated that the death of hundreds of KPPS members was considered to be a national health disaster. It will also sue the National Police Chief Tito Karnavian to issue an autopsy warrant for the bodies of the dead KPPS members.

            Abdullah Kelrey as Chairman of the GPK said that the proposed demolition of the tomb of the 2019 Election officials was one of the political projects. He also asked the National Police Chief not to take care of these things, because sustenance, death and death were God’s business, not doctors or police chiefs, so if there was a KPPS officer that died was God’s business. He questioned why almost a month had passed this request, Kelrey considered it seemed ridiculous and political.

) * The author is a Social Media Activist

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