The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) does not selectively reduce corruption

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) does not selectively reduce corruption

 By: Adi Ginanjar *

Thousands of Papuans who are dominated by Papuan mountains have held a demonstration to demand that the KPK not criminalize Papuan Governor Lucas Enembe in February. Thousands of people started from Sentani and several other areas in the same direction, gathered in the Abepura circle, precisely in front of Merpati. They arrived using two and four-wheeled vehicles such as cars, trucks and pickups.

After making speeches at the Abepura Circle Melati, the action period then shifted to Jayapura City Imbi Park and ended at the Papua Governor’s Office in Dok II Jayapura. In the Governor’s office, thousands of times of action were met by Lukas Enembe and Secretary of Papua Hery Dosinaen. Not only the period of action, it also appears the ASN in the action.

“I appreciate the support of Papuans for the Government of the Papua Province, We as representatives of the central government are the last stronghold of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,” said Papua Governor Lucas Enembe.

The Papua Provincial Government has also issued a press release about the commotion between several Papuan provincial government officials and two people who turned out to be KPK investigators at Borobudur Hotel. Public Relations Bureau Secretary Gilbert Yakwar explained, that night, the two people from the KPK had captured a photo of a backpack carried by participants in the Papua RAPBD evaluation and had carried out suspicious movements. Not only that, both of them also took pictures of all provincial officials including luggage.

“The participants spontaneously went to the KPK employee in question then showed the contents in his backpack which actually only contained paper documents and there was no money in them,” he explained.

On the basis of these events, the Papua Provincial Government considers that the KPK’s investigative efforts on the activities of the provincial government and the DPRD in Papua hurt the heart and at the same time show the KPK’s distrust of the ability to eradicate corruption. The Papua Provincial Government concluded that the KPK’s actions in spying on their activities at the Borobudur Hotel at the same time caused fear in running the government in the region.

It is precisely this action raises fear to carry out the tasks of administering government, development and community services because the apparatus feels they will be arrested at any time.

Previously, several national media had reported on the beating of two KPK members at the Borobudur hotel in Jakarta last February, the KPK had also reported the case to the Metro Jaya Regional Police and asked the perpetrators to be legally processed. On a different occasion, the Corruption Eradication Commission said that the Papuan Government should not have to worry or be afraid of investigations carried out on indications of corruption. Because, the KPK only processes regional officials who really commit criminal acts of corruption.

This was conveyed following the statement of the Papua Provincial Government after the persecution of two KPK investigators who were investigating indications of corruption at the Borobudur Hotel in Jakarta on Saturday night.

The two employees received treatment at the hospital. Gilang, one of the investigators suspected of being mistreated, had finished undergoing surgery on the nose and got stitches around the left eye

“Well, what is really called is evidence. “The KPK can only process based on the available evidence,” Febri said.

“So, at the same time we also need to convey to the Regional Government that there is nothing to worry about,” he added.

The KPK said there was nothing wrong with the process of following up on a public report about indications of corruption. According to him, this is a step to ensure the presence or absence of indications of corruption as reported by the public.

The KPK also respects all regional development that is being promoted by the local government, only if there is an alleged corruption case, it must be prevented. Not until that, the KPK confirmed that there was absolutely no Hand Capture (OTT) activity planned by his party that night, “There is no OTT. The employee is tasked with checking.

After all, the KPK is an institution tasked with securing misappropriated public money, if it is indeed innocent, it should not be necessary to fear the investigation efforts of the KPK. Because in carrying out its duties, the KPK does not recognize primordial sentiments and does not selectively act against corruptors.

* The author is a Contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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