The Fate of the Outer Islands: Independent or Dependence

the position of the outer islands of Indonesia

By: Awan Samudera *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – Indonesia is a country known for the motto Bhineka Tunggal Ika which is the motto of unifying the nation. The slogan has managed to bring Indonesia as an archipelagic country becomes independent and united as a unitary state. As we know, as an archipelagic country, Indonesia has challenges and obstacles in the construction of the outer islands. Whereas the outer islands have a very important role in the bordering region of Indonesia with neighboring countries.

There are 94 outer islands in the Indonesian state directly adjacent to the neighboring countries, and there are 12 outer islands that need special handling from the government because of vulnerability to the limit of the neighboring countries. These islands are Rondo Island, Sekatung Island, Nipa Island, Berhala Island, Marore Island, Miangas Island, Marampit Island, Batek Island, Dana Island, Fani Island, Fanildo Island, and Bras Island. The islands become the frontline nation in defending the limits of the Homeland. But infrastructure development in these islands is very worrying.

Development in the outer islands has become the responsibility of the government, but that does not mean that people can wash its hands of it. The public can also do development in the outer islands, although not the construction of infrastructure, people can do economic development and education in the outer islands so that the people in the outer islands can become self-sufficient in building its territory and does not continue to rely on the government or private companies that become donors in terms of development.

Self-reliance in building the outer islands is very important, because it can help advance the outer islands in various fields, such as economics, education, social, and cultural, which can encourage the development of construction in the region of the outer islands. When this is done, the benefit is not government, but society itself which has been able to improve the quality of life.

Therefore, as the creative community, we do not just stand by and expect assistance from various parties, we as a society have in the outer islands should be able to improve the quality of our lives in many ways. Creative thinking to develop a business that can promote the region itself are small steps we can do to maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia as an archipelago. [AS]

*) Jakarta Contributor

Indonesia countryThe FateThe Fate of the Outer Islandsthe Outer Islands
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