The Indonesia President Respond Yellow Air in Palangka Raya

Jokowi president when monitoring forest in Central Kalimantan

The President Asked hospitals and clinics open 24 hours

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Friday yesterday (16/10/2015), the condition of the air in the city of Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, was in a very dangerous level with ISPU 1889,06 pm. The sky is yellow is derived from the smoke. The smoke,are stuffy and warm which smoky air and yellow oppressive chest.

In fact,Preisden Jokowi heard about the news of yellow smoke. Through his Twitter account @jokowi Friday (16/10/2015), the President instructed hospitals and clinics to open for 24 hours.

“Disaster emergency response haze in Palangkaraya. I ask hospitals and clinics open 24 hours-Jkw-, “wrote Jokowi in his Twitter account @jokowi, Friday (16/10/2015).

In addition, the President through official Cabinet Secretary of INDONESIA, the President acknowledged the severity of life in the midst of the disaster the smoke. The Government has also opened the guest houses equipped tent insulation filter air.

Nila Moeloek F , Health Minister a few days ago had been to Palangka Raya. She gave medicines and prevention tools range the impact this haze. (*)

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